Ah, lovely Libra Moon… such a glorious beauty reflected back by this emotional luminary! Thing is, Libra never really knows how he feels. But! He absolutely knows how YOU feel. Thanks to this Chart Harmony…
Browsing Category Chart Harmony
Moon in Virgo: Use Your Moons
Are you feeling the GSD energy of the Virgo Moon? You’ll recall the “busy brain” status of our other Mercury-ruled Moon (Gemini) last week. This time out, the Earth element helps all those ideas get…
Moon in Leo: Use Your Moons
Leo Moon is when we strut, y’all. Leo is ruled by the Sun, and that heart-centered see-me vibe is why we all celebrate our life-giving value in the world (and our great hair days) at…
Moon in Cancer: Use Your Moons
Ah, sweet Cancer Moon… all the feels. As we continue our Chart Harmony tour through all 12 signs of the zodiac with the Moon as our guide, it’s time to let la luna show us…
Moon in Gemini: Use Your Moons
It’s time for Gemini Moon to take focus in our Chart Harmony tour through all 12 signs of the zodiac with the Moon as our guide. One of the Gemini twins is curious and mischievous….
Moon in Taurus: Use Your Moons
As we continue our Chart Harmony tour through all 12 signs of the zodiac using the Moon as our guide, it’s time to visit with the Taurus Moon, exalted, beautiful, reminding us to savor the…
Moon in Aries: Use Your Moons
Let’s take a tour through the signs using la luna as our guide! Chart Harmony style. 😉 The Moon moves through all 12 signs of the zodiac each month and the emotional energy of the…
Chart Harmony for November 2023
November 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon: Y’know what I’m loving about November 2023? It’s QUIET, astrologically speaking. Now, there’s always woo weather happening of course, but as I write this up during Libra…
Eclipse Self-Care
A member of the ever-inspiring Live Your Chart community asked me to break down what self-care looks like, as we head into these INTENSE eclipses. My answer was so comprehensive and helpful that I decided…
Chart Harmony with the Last-Quarter Moon
Between the Full Moon and the New Moon, we have the Last-Quarter Moon. Things are slowing down during this phase. We’ve seen everything under the Full Moon, releasing what is no longer needed… celebrating with…