October 2023 Chart Harmony Calendar notes from Bon:

Here comes eclipse season! We’re still navigating the shift from the Taurus/Scorpio axis to the Aries/Libra one with these eclipses… so be prepared to feel the intensity in 4, count ’em, 4 parts of your chart. No charging crystals. No setting intentions. Eclipses are for transitioning from your BEFORE into your AFTER. That’s why I’ve added extra BLACK on the eclipse days (the 14th & 28th). They’re intense and your energy is best directed inward. Keep it simple.

With so much PINK energy this month, you may feel tempted to pack your schedule with lots of activity. Please note all the BLUE in there, encouraging you to treasure your own energy and not overload yourself with ways to ignore what YOUR gut is trying to share with you.

When in doubt, go BLUE & BLACK with your activities and choices for schedule-building. Eclipses tend to take up a lot of energy, so if you can get extra sleep this month, do so! BTW, I’ve started livestreaming again at YouTube. Yay!

Recently a client told me she was shocked to see the use of cannabis on the BLACK Chart Harmony list. Let’s think about this: We declutter under BLACK energy (or anytime to amp up low BLACK in our charts). We declutter to remove all excess. To lose any unnecessary bits. Welp, the hemp plant can be used in more than 50,000 ways. How’s THAT for “no excess”?

As always, it’s intention over precision with your rituals! And partial credit is a perfect score.

Want your own color-coded look at the month ahead? Subscribe to my Chart Harmony Calendar here! Grab it then come on over to our Chart Harmony Discord server to chat about the woo weather and how it’s gonna feel for you.

See you on the inside,

You don’t have to understand astrology; you just need Chart Harmony! Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started, here.

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