For any of you who have gym memberships…
What are the best classes? (“Best” for me means “not crowded” and “good for larger people” and “fun”.)
I think it’s time to take advantage of my membership beyond the treadmills and bikes. Where to start? Suggestions?
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YaY Bonnie!
It’s Gold’s Gym for me, but in a solo workout thing.
I expect it to be a lot like the movie Dodgeball, only instead of Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn it’ll be James Belushi and Kevin Nealon.
I’ve been to Bally’s stretch and relax class and it seems to be geared towards all fitness levels. So I’d say anything like that or yoga-type classes. Look for low impact classes.
Good God, that’s a lot of classes! do they offer all of those?
I’d stick with anything core and light aerobics. Also power yoga or Ashtanga yoga–these are the yogas that will blend a workout with yoga, so you are multi-tasking!
I like the dance aerobics classes, but I stay to the back b/c I look like such a fool doing my mad street moves. But it gets the heart rate up and it’s fun.
I say go to the class that sounds like the most fun to you. I’ve found that they are all a challenge to me at first, but if I like what I’m doing, I’ll keep going back. Eventually, you get better–and then you don’t want to miss the class.
I’ve really enjoyed water aerobics. It is great if you have bad knees. And you’ll find that most women that do water aerobics are larger and/or older, so you’ll be the best looking one in the class and you won’t worry too much about how you look in your swimsuit. Plus, you have the added bonus of being in a warmer climate, so you don’t ever have to worry about walking from the gym to your car in 30 degree weather after having spent an hour in the water (which is pretty much the only downside for me.)
A friend of mine and I keep talking about taking a spinning class soon. We haven’t done it yet, so I can’t tell you how it is – but we do a lot of TALKING about it. Does that count as a workout? Our mouths do move a lot…hmmm…
Hey – when you get a chance – come on over and check out my headshot link. I’d love to hear which ones are your favorites!
Gotta second that water aerobics thing – if you’ve got access to it, do it! Forget the whole bathing suit thing – well, no, DO wear one, but trust me, it’s cool enough to be worth wearing a bathing suit in semi-public. You don’t get hot and sweaty. You do get a good workout. It’s a good deal. 🙂
Oh how the spinning hurts me…
I’ll give a third to water aerobics. I used to teach at Jack La Lannes Health Spa before I worked at the studio, before my accident. Here’s a sample: facing the side of the pool, rest your arms on the outside, leaning your chin on your forearm, straighten legs behind, and begin kicking. Try both ways, by flexing your foot, and then pointing your toes. The water gives resistance that YOU WILL FEEL INCREASE. Gives that butt a wake up call………
Any exercise is a plus. At the time I had my accident, my body was rock hard, woke up from my coma like a sack of mashed potatoes, but had a head start to get me where I am today. Imagine if I hadn’t been in good shape to start.
I love you dear……..
Funny you should mention this Bonnie. I was locked into a three year membership with Ballys and could not get out even though there is a 24 hour fitness right across the street on Santa Monica blvd……….grrrrrrrrrr!!
I will be joining 24 as soon as I get a job in about a week and this has been a big thing with me,for years I seemed to be clued to the stairmaster or treadmill but the classes really kick your butt because you have a instructor to notice if your slacking. I heard they have some good yoga classes there so just try them out and as you know yoga is great for us busy gals and teaches us to stay in the moment and remain non reactive to our outside enviroment even in the most stressful times!! I also heard they have great cardio kick boxing classes for shedding those stubborn lbs.
Good luck !