Seriously. I am fascinated by the fact that someone who is 10,375 miles away from me has visited my blog this week. FASCINATED.
So, it’s not that I’m thinking I SHOULD have visitors from (well, anywhere at all, really) South America, but I do find it odd that I’ve had visitors from pretty much everywhere else since installing the ol’ ClustrMap so I have to wonder…
Where y’all at?
(Good lord the lengths I will go to to avoid finishing corp. taxes. Ugh.)
(Visited 86 times, 1 visits today)
Ah’m Raghtchyeer in good-ole Texus , raghtsmackl-dab ina middul o the good ole Ewe Ess ov Ayee.
Ah think tha rest o ewe folk tahk funny.
The big red ‘Clustr-dot’ on the U.S./Canadian border…Montana.
That’s nothing, Bon. Jungle Jane – a regular commenter on my blog – is based in Sydney, Australia!
By the way, Bonnie…
You’ve been TAGGED!!!