Cool Stuff from Across the Pond

So, I was going back through some COMMENTS links to see who has been commenting at the BonBlogs and what their sites look like and all of that and came across this guy named Cliff who posted a comment back in October from the UK.
I spend a little time at his site and find what might be one of the most brilliant short entries ever. It’s about this place:
Oi! Bagel.
Here’s what Cliff says on the subject:

There is a place open by me called “Oi Bagel”.
This seems a little stereo typical, seeing as bagels are associated with Jewish communities and Jewish people are seen to say “oi” a lot as an exclamation of dismay. I got to thinking about “Yo Sushi” and wondered if it was so called because Japanese people said “yo” a lot.
What about:
Eh Pancakes
Right So Stews
*nonchalant shrug* Croissants
Cheers Fish and Chips

I think it’s somewhere in the “Right So Stews”/”*nonchalant shrug* Croissants” area that I really fell in love with that list.
Oh, and he gave me a quiz to take! Yay!

You scored as Summer. You are SUMMER. Life is to be -lived-.. dance, sing, and make merry. Adversity is simply something to overcome. You embrace life with both arms, not only because you love it, but to squeeze out of it all that you can.

What Season Are You?
created with

Much fun! It’s like I’m honoring the Hollywood-UK weekend (BAFTAs, y’know). Cool.

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1 Comment

  1. JeanNINE March 7, 2005 at 12:10 pm

    OH NO…another quiz! AHHHHH!
    Hee hee – I like the *Nonchalant Shrug* Croissants. VERY cute.
    I’ve got one:
    Hee hee!