a ten-day period in which
- you are hired to cast two new films
- your husband makes his primetime network SAG co-star debut
- your friend who was due to have surgery instead crashes with you after a day of celebrating her surgery’s postponement
- you see THE BEST MOVIE EVER twice in theatres
- an entertainment attorney begins to package you with his producers and screenwriters
- you attend the public screening of two films you’ve cast in years past
- you’re accused of “keeping your gift under wraps” when a new friend who only knows you as a casting director learns others value the fact that you write a weekly column and books
- you do chin puppetry with your new best friend for a mutual friend’s daughter (and then build a tent with her in her living room) because being a kid is way more cool than being a grownup any day
- your iPod loses its will to live from having been played way too much in your car
- you are told you “don’t get it” on BlogHer when you’re almost sure you do, but you choose NOT to FIGHT about it, since that’s just way silly (even though you’d love for friends to go post comments about how effin’ RIGHT you are)
- your blog gets more hits than ever and you don’t know why, since no one famous has been blogged about in weeks, here
- you become NBF w/ a totally swoonable ’80s star-turned-producer
- you metaphorically pinch yourself over how cool it is to live your dreams and enjoy the bliss that is just being (and then you literally pinch yourself because… what the hey)
- for the first time in over five years, you’re somehow okay with having lost your mom–when usually you’re a basket case for the whole first week of May in honor of her memory (and that doesn’t mean you’re “OKAY” with it, but that you aren’t a basket case this time, despite how that reads)
- you get that growing up is a forever endeavor, that love is a verb (not a noun), and that there is nothing wrong with your coolest best friends ever having been introduced to you through wires and a keyboard
or is it just me?
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you’re so money, you don’t even know how money you are.
Love you, honeybunny
(signed, hopefully one of those coolest friends ever)
When people ask me, “who’s your hero?” I usually tell them I don’t have one, since, well, I don’t.
I think I’m going to start saying you. Your ability to do everything you’ve done, seen everything you’ve seen, and manage to live with grace through it all, is just amazing.
Really, honest.
(oh, and I happen to know a guy who knows a guy who could get you a deal on a new iPod)
Okay, first of all, I totally didn’t read the comments when I went *back* to the BlogHer post like you told me to. This time I did, and left a comment. I also emailed the subject, Alisha Vincent, since I think it’s pretty outrageous that she didn’t get to be in on the discussion when she’s a member of BlogHer, fer criminy!
Second of all, NOW who’s gettin’ all excuse-me-your-life-is-waiting? Huh? Huh?
Well, Bonnie, I pretty much agreed with you on the BlogHer post, and did post a comment to that effect 🙂
You are truly an amazing woman. I’m glad to be getting to know you, slowly but surely.
I swear, I love you ALL! What great women I know (and yes, I count “online know” as “know”)!!
Part of the reason I CAN do well is because I have such ROCKSTAR support from people I love and who love me.
You not only ROCK, but you are a ROCK STAR.
That’s a helluva ten days.
Count me in.;)