I swear, it’s uncanny.

EVERY frickin’ time I watch Joan of Arcadia, I cry.
So, unlike the rest of my TiVo’ed life (wherein I watch three or four episodes of one show all at once, rather than keeping up with weekly schedules [yes, this makes avoiding spoilers tough, but it’s how I like to watch TV, dammit]), with this show, I have to watch ONE at a time. And then I need therapy for a few weeks (read: Family Guy, King of the Hill, and Real World/Road Rules Challenge) before I can watch another episode.
Damn, the Kleenex stock must rise every Friday night with this show.
I totally like watching shows in groups of episodes too. It’s so weird to be watching like Alias now on tv, since I watched the first three seasons on dvd (like sometimes six episodes a night…yes, I have no life).
And Joan of Arcadia is such a tearjerker. The only thing recently that gets me more is the first season of Everwood. Have you watched that? My God, it was SO sad. But oddly therapeutic. (These two are probably the most cathartic shows I’ve watched since Life Goes On in the early 1990s…)
Joan of Arcadia is a huge tear-jerker. Like the one with the end of Judith? Bastards…