NOTE: The below is an archive of an email sent out before our free year-end training series called Get in Gear for the New Year.

So *freakin'* excited to start jamming with y'all on December 21st, as we blast through this exciting year-end free training series in which the Self-Management for Actors principles will be doled out daily for the last 11 days of 2016!

Let's get down to business, shall we? I have a few pre-program success tips and exclusive news about a badass Twitter contest you may want to check out. This is long, but you may be *thrilled* that you read it all, so let's go!

  • Make sure our emails are whitelisted in your inbox (tips on that here). Create a folder (either on your 'puter or in real life, or both) for the daily emails, as well as the Tuesday BonBlasts and Fired UP Friday action.
  • Get in the forums if you're not already there; it's a great non-Twitter way to share your support and get free resources year-'round. *Especially* if you're alumni of longform SMFA offerings, there's deliciousness waiting for you that will blow you away!
  • If you are a tweeter (more info on how that *really* pays off, below), use the hashtag #SMFAninjas to connect with this free program and get worldwide support throughout your 11-day leap to the next tier.
  • If Facebook is more your speed, join our exclusive SMFA Ninjas Facebook group and share your daily wins there!
  • Remember that the purpose of public accountability on tasks like this 11-day challenge is that you *will* be more likely to succeed because you've declared your goals in front of others and you've committed to your (attainable — remember?) goals.
  • Get some retweet love and follow action by tweeting this: I'm gonna #GetInGear for the New Year with @BonnieGillespie and the #SMFAninjas! Join me: (just click it and it'll tweet out). I'll be sure to follow you from the SMFAninjas Twitter account so we can keep up with your awesome leaps!
  • Follow your fellow tweeting #SMFAninjas — they’re all listed right here — because this community support will inspire you constantly!

Woo hoo!

So, here's the super-awesome news about the contest that is a part of this free training series. 🙂 Just by being a part of this badassery, tweeting daily about doing your homework, and sharing photos of you with your copy of Self-Management for Actors, you get an edge.

Uh, what's the win? It's free membership in the Get in Gear for the Next Tier 100-day challenge training through April 30th! That's a $200 membership term, totally free, just by winning the Twitter contest. (If you decide you want to stay on after that, it’s just $30/mo.)

How do I win?!? you ask?

  • Tweet daily (1 entry per day counts) using the link you'll be provided *in* each day’s email. Easy. Click and you're in. Dunzo.
  • Double your entries (so, 2 entries per day, duh) by *also* sharing a daily photo (a different photo each day) at Twitter of you with your beloved copy of Self-Management for Actors. No, it doesn't *have* to be the 4th ed., nor does it have to be the physical book — as you can see from the gallery here, we celebrate *all* SMFA love!
  • Oh, and if you've already registered for Get in Gear for the Next Tier? No worries! Should you win this contest, we'll refund the tuition you've already paid! What? Yeah, baby! It's that easy. 🙂

Amazing, right? A chance at landing a free four-month membership just for tweeting DURING the free year-end training you're already receiving? Yeah… that's pretty fab.


Hey, so as we get closer to our launch date of December 21st, do you have any questions for me? Wanna know how best to rock out this free training series and support one another while getting yourself to the next tier? Pop your question in the comments area below!

I'm here for you and I'm super excited to share this time with you, as we rock it out to the next tier together! I'm already so inspired by what I'm seeing y'all do with one another on Twitter, at our Talkback forum, and in our Facebook group and I cannot WAIT to see where this goes, as we approach the ball-drop to kick off a fabulous 2017!

Not yet signed up? Dude! Fix that right here now!

All right, beautiful, 'til the next BonBlast, hold tight. Get ready for a great start to 2017 with your tools and mindset in ninja shape, starting with your first free training email arriving December 21st! Stay inspired! And… let's DO this! 🙂

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

(Visited 681 times, 1 visits today)

1 Comment

  1. Eadaoin O Donoghue December 12, 2017 at 11:27 am

    Hi there!
    I have signed up for the free GetinGear course a few times but I never got the confirmation email.
    I checked all my filters etc but no joy.
    Could you send it onto me at
    Many thanks and hugely looking forward to this!


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