GMail Update

I have been using GMail for–what–two weeks or so and just now hit 1mb/1% (1% holds ’til 10mb) of my capacity. So, I chose “delete forever” for the messages in my trash and now I’m back down to 0mb/0% of my capacity.
So far, I’ve moved all of my subscriptions and notifications that were with Netscape Mail and Hotmail over to GMail, but not my Yahoo Mail stuff, since they’ve upped the storage to 1gb too, in order to stay competitive. Fine. Pretty cool. No complaints, except for a glitch in ONE of my Yahoo Groups on digest mode, which gets about every 10th digest in some weird format, which I cannot read in the mail. *shrug* No biggie.
Bon Update
I realize that my vague post about my ego-smack and come-down after lots of high-energy goodies has worried some people. Please please please know that I blog like I live: the thought/idea/concept goes out there and I move on. Everything is fine; I was just noticing a pattern in my level of activity (high), amount of prosperity (high), being followed by a quick crash in my physical state and an ego-smack from a friend. Seems I consistently get my feelings hurt and my physical energy rundown right after a series of really great events and happenings. So, I was just musing about the pattern.
Cindy, your comment on the WATER is just what I needed. THANK YOU. I KNOW we are to live in the FLOW. That’s what leads to all the GOOD stuff. Silly to then shift into an ego-based state and get the smack-down both physically and emotionally, as if to remind me that I’m to stay OUT of that mindset.
All this to say, all is well. I am spending every free moment packing and integrating the kitty into the cat-family here. Thwok is doing well and all three of the kitties LOVE the empty boxes, open drawers, cabinets, and closets. It’s a world of play around here, and that keeps me amused while doing the PURGING that inevitably comes with packing/moving. It’s a good thing. Took six bags to Good Will yesterday. More to go. Decided we can’t manage a moving sale, as planned, due to the timing of all of this. Must just give and move on.
Ack! This break is lasting longer than I thought it would. Oh, Chip has added Wiki to the SpyNotebook, whatever that means. Yes… I’m intrigued. Love gettin’ my geek on!
Back to packing!

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  1. Michael July 9, 2004 at 10:14 pm

    I’ve been reading your blog lately… it’s great/
    Good luck with the move.

  2. Ali July 11, 2004 at 6:54 am

    Goodwill donations = great tax deductions!It’s a cool timesaver, and can work out far more than spending time trying to sell the stuff yourself. Trust me on this one….