Get obessed with working out.
Find that working out pretty much fixes every other stress in life.
Begin relying on workouts to balance stress.

Get sick.
Wonder if working out while sick is a good idea.
Learn it’s probably not.
Have loads of stress and no energy to face the stress, no outlet for the stress, and loads of restlessness over this situation.
Back to bed. Ugh.
(Visited 81 times, 1 visits today)
Better than:
Get obsessed with booze.
Find out that drinking booze pretty much fixes every stress in life.
Begin relying on booze to balance stress.
Get sick.
Wonder if drinking booze while sick is a good idea.
Learn it’s definitely not.
Stop caring, and have another.
Admittedly, your way, you’ll probably get healthier sooner… but my way has it’s up sides. 🙂
Hey Bon,
Sorry to hear you are sick. I find when I can’t run that just taking a short easy walk helps. I hope you feel better soon!