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Oh, it is so so so very delightful… sleeping in my own bed. Ahhhh. Very very nice. Of course, I sprung awake after just a few hours’ nap, but wow… what a nap it was!
Glad to be home. Our trip was just amazing. Truly wonderful, in every regard. Just every happy hope we had for the best possible outcome in every situation came true. EVERY best possible outcome.
Athens: Taco Stand yumminess and a possible “crack-the-recipe” experience with their delightful queso spinach dip; wonderful catch up visit with Chip, my niece Tiffany, former Athens Academy student of mine Ann, and got to meet Joshua and Jocelyn; the talk at UGA‘s Drama Department was so very rockstar that the head of the MFA program asked if I’d be willing to come back each semester and teach two weeks of cold reading and business of acting as an adjunct professor (holy crap, that’s cool!); donated books to my former home, the J-School, and to the Drama Department; saw my awesome doctor who tells me I’m insulin resistant and need to follow the Schwarzbein Principle rather than Atkins; got my second tattoo re-colored at Pain and Wonder; weather was gorgeous and photos will be forthcoming.
Atlanta: fantastic gathering of old friends at Twist (a great martini and sushi bar–thanks for the suggestion, Pete); good family time with Dad and SM–I finally saw my first ever episode of Sex and the City… yeah, it was the series finale (Dad said, “Oh, wouldn’t it be neat to see your book in the store window like that?” My reply, “Yeah, Dad. It is.” Tee hee); looked for awhile like we were going to fly to DC and then take the train to NY, but we were able to book a flight on Song (what a rockstar airline–I ranked second in the all-plane/all-flight music trivia tournament… damn that Josh in seat 3B); the most amazing family gathering in honor of my aunt and uncle’s 50th wedding anniversary. Got to catch up with so many wonderful people I love so much. Just delightful! And we went back to Joni’s with Reid and Liana for the now-regular-whenever-Bon-visits-event of Chicken Foot and Orange Crush. Excellent! Again, photos to come. Thanks for all of the gorgeous weather! Also cool… got word right as we left Atlanta that I will be appearing live on Australian TV (the show is called Sunrise, for those of you down under) via remote from Los Angeles on Thursday (Friday morning, their time) in a pre-Oscar sketch with Nelson!! Woo hoo!
New York: Amazing!! So very very very amazing! Beautiful weather and just enough snow to make me feel like I’d had a little winter (one of those happy moments when we exited the subway and, at some point during the ten minutes we were underground, snow had begun to fall); a fantastic VIP taping of The View compliments of rockstar Subhash; walks through Times Square at night, a delightful hotel right off Broadway–and an amazing surprise at the airport: a Towncar to pick us up and escort us there!!; the talk and booksigning at the Drama Book Shop was inspired–the actors in attendance were receptive and happy to share their toys, filled with great questions, and the few we went out with after were just awesome to get to know; Sara–an old friend from LA–came out to play as well. So very cool to get to see her again! Of course, also wonderful to meet online friends and make new friends altogether; yesterday we visited the World Trade Center site. Sorry. There will be no photos of that. Wasn’t right.
But I’m glad we went. *moment of silence*
As for the folks we couldn’t/didn’t hook up with, I’m not exactly sure why… but a few folks have emailed to say I DIDN’T HAVE YOUR NUMBER! Um… well… this very blog was the source for all the info anyone ever had about our trip… and there was a nice happy link in the big official post about it all to our Cricket Feet Contact Info. Bummer that we didn’t connect, but hey… we tried!
So so so so so many people with whom we DID connect and spend lots of time… THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming out to join us at all of the various places and events. Just fantastic to reconnect with so many old friends and to meet new ones!
As for those of you in Chicago, DC, Texas, and the other places we thought we might have to tour as a result of busy/full Delta flights, sorry we didn’t get to have a happy layover visit. Still, that flight home in Business Class was… wow… so very cool.
If this experience is any indication of the future of Self-Management for Actors and my promotional/touring activities surrounding it, I WILL be in your city soon!
Meanwhile, the Letters of Intent are coming in from our already-cast members of the Perfect cast, one decline from a “name,” and a zillion packages to open/calls from agents to return once I get back from the shoot today for Australian TV.
And the third book’s initial promotional material and cover artwork are due to our distributor next week. Ack!
Oh… and I need to get our taxes done! Eek!
Wow… was that a vacation? Tee hee. I know the answer.
All right, come back for photos. It’ll take awhile to get them ready. There are hundreds!!
Finally, THANK YOU JEANA for taking care of our babies. They are fat and happy as always, and that’s a great sign. We’ll arrange getting the keys back soon (you’re certainly welcome to stop by at any time to leave them… we’ll be the ones seated in piles and piles of headshots and resumés, trying to dig our way out).
Great time. Glad to be home! More catching up later. XXOO

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1 Comment

  1. Joni February 26, 2004 at 9:07 am

    I just wish I could