So, this is the image that comes up when you Google the phrase: “love to work hard.” (Yes, I was nervous about what might come up. *giggle*)
Anyway, that’s what I do. I love to work hard. So, for Valentine’s Day, instead of hitting my favorite martini bar, Keith and I are staying home. Working.
I know it sounds really boring, but I truly love how much I got accomplished in casting today (and tomorrow is a big book interview day). Prereads are Wednesday and Thursday which means I have very little time to get the schedule set.
So… no social life, no money spent, no hangover, no big deal. We’ll do all of that another night. Oh, and Gimlet Night is Friday… so that’s the big “holiday” I’m looking forward to. This time? Pomegranate Mojitos!! Wooooo hooooo!
Coooooooooool. Love my Gimlet Night!
Okay… back to work!

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1 Comment

  1. Aimercat February 15, 2005 at 1:01 pm

    I couldn’t find anyone and Deb thought you’d gone with the gang, so sorry if I interrupted anything by calling Keith’s cell phone. Trust me, I needed a drink after the day I had yesterday that involved me getting from the Beverly Center to Studio City then back to Hollywood in about an hour during the afternoon rush. Oh then I had to go back to the beverly center and to the theater…I did that in about 25 minutes leaving one Miss Ashley McCarthy to say “wow. you drive like my mother!”