1. Gimlet Night rocks. We should do it more often. We planned this one at our last one and at this one we talked about another gathering coming up here soon… this could become a rich tradition. (BTW, all boys think we have Gimlet Night in sexy, girlie, pillow-fight attire. I can neither confirm nor deny.)
2. Cousin is wearing this in three months:
Yes, she is a goddess. Yes, she will rock this dress. Turns out, she is on someone’s 50 Most Gorgeous People list. Indeed.
4. Michelle had work drama happening. Bless her bones. I do believe that this week will launch her into greatness. It’s just gonna take some deep breathing ’til then.
5. I’ve misquoted the above-mentioned Michelle in my random signature file thingy in Entourage. She’s going to correct the quote about non-denominational services in the DWF airport soon. Yay!
6. We have successfully trained Thwok not to eat flowers. Oh, but she was totally antisocial tonight. Brat.
7. Faith thinks Archie is Angus.
8. It seems there is a perception that my home is clean. That makes me very happy. I like to have a clean home. Of course, when Faith asked, “What are all those NOTES over there?” we laughed. Those “notes” are headshots. Bins and bins of headshots. Yeah. We get those sometimes.
9. Everyone enjoyed the “What Were You THINKING” folder. That’s all I can say about that. Watch for some random anonymous blog on the subject at some later date. Enough said.
10. Taxes are done. We came out of there spending less than a grand (thank goodness) and this year we didn’t file extensions. It’s fun to be done.
Oooooh… rhymie!
Listy Stuff
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present for you at https://www.livejournal.com/users/aimercat/587942.html?view=3250342#t3250342
yay, thwok not eating plants.
Oooh, now that taxes are done…. ;)I’ve made it a little easier for you to find quizzes now.Bwahahaha!
1. Smoobsie is EVIL. I only did TWO of her quizzes and that took MUCH self control, I’ve gotta tell ya.
2. Indeed your beauty of a cousin will be rockin’ that dress. WOW!
3. There never really is a three, is there?
4. The subject of #2 is right under Eva Longoria on that list, I noticed. Hmmm…. :o)