If you’re married to a Keith, this conversation won’t surprise you.
Keith (upon coming home from the market with a gallon of milk; more milk than we’ll be able to consume before it spoils, typically): It was a dollar cheaper than the half-gallon size.
Me: We’ll never be able to finish that whole thing!
Keith (pulling a large package of cookies from another bag, triumphantly): Ah! That’s why I bought cookies!
Me: To save a dollar on the milk?
Keith (deer-in-headlights look… then): Uh-huh! That’s my logic and I’m stickin’ to it!
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Makes perfect sense to me, especially if you freeze half of the milk to use later.
You guys so need to start making your own yogurt.
Ah… spoken like someone who has room in her freezer! We, on the other hand, have a zillion french bread pizzas, since they were on sale! :
ROTFLMAOPIMP! Mmmmm…cookies and pizza with milk.
But, CoCo… I don’t DO kitchen! You think I could trust Keith with that task??? 😉
If those cookies had any chocolate in them at all, I completely understand. Mmmmmmmm.
Y’all seriously encourage him WAY too much! 😉
He deserves it;)