…you know I love you! I’ll always be true. So, please… love me do!
So, the beautiful film The Moor screened tonight at the LA International Short Film Festival — which rocked like a cradle!
BTW — The Moor is hitting the Hamptons Film Fest next. Rock on, rockstar film! As CoCo said, it’s the feel good romantic comedy of the year, yo? 😉
There were many wonderful films at this screening, which made me way happy (and there were many way cool actors, producers, directors, writers, and other Bon camp folks). Also, there were actors I love in the house, who I’ll cast any time — plus some potential love connections. I hate that some of the people we were most excited about hanging with ended up having to go home, but it was still a great night. Real life happens. What can ya do?
More than that, it was a great MORNING. I met with many filmmakers who are at that amazing “gotta hire someone to cast my next film” stage. And maybe they want me. That could be cool.
Still, I must focus on the book before I find room to cast more films.
Damn you, time management! 😉
Good night. Good times. I cried like a baby for the first two minutes of The Moor and said that it’s that whole, “Everything relies on my ability to do my job right,” thing. I think I was just really, really proud.
Ah, it was way gratifying, all the way around.
Oh, and… you should read this…

No politics. Just what it is.
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!