Many New Things

So… what up, G?
Buttloads. That’s what.
Sheesh! I’m seriously blogging now.
Politically incorrect observation #1: There is much more traffic on surface streets these days. Why? Someone who wants less traffic on the freeways is shooting people to get the road to himself. Mission accomplished. We’re all taking Wilshire now.
Politically incorrect observation #2: What kind of society do we live in where a fallen child star (Danny Bonaduce) can pull himself together, get clean, get a top-rated radio show, do voiceovers and guest spots on prime time TV regularly, often admit that he had his “major addict” days… and then manage to slide, publicly, back down off that wagon (and saying so, regularly), yet be supported in his work environment… and THEN get ridiculed when he puts himself back in rehab?
I mean, really… if you SAY you’re slipping, if you OWN that you are boozing it up… how can ANYONE decide to judge your arse once you do the RIGHT deed, which is signing up for help? Fuck! If they’re going to bitch about you, they should do so when you’re boozing in front of them and trying to hide it. That’s what I expect, when I’m off-wagon-falling. At the very least!
There is no politically incorrect observation number three, as there is never a three (which really should be some other number) based on the reality created by somesuch-whatnot and the good folks there.
Not politically incorrect, but amusing… Chip took this shot at the Twilight Criterium. Oh, how I remember the bliss that was our WUOG Sports Director living in the pace car for that in ’95! Ah, memories.
Further not politically incorrect, but perhaps self-aggrandizing, is the observation that I no longer am capable of casting a “small project.” It started when the first actor arrived at the audition location today. He said, “This must be some good production company with a healthy budget, to get you on board!” I laughed and said, “Oh, honey… I’m very affordable–I’m still at the beginning of my casting journey and that means I’m doing the same thing actors do, at the beginning of their careers: working cheap and choosing great projects with wonderful people.”
Typically, one out of every ten actors says something about my books, my columns, previous casting visits, my online presence, speaking engagements, etc. This time? One out of every TWO.
I can usually count on 30 no-shows out of 150 scheduled appointments. This time? NONE. Not ONE no-show. And I am so terribly sad that some people had to leave, after waiting for so long, and/or that people just waited and waited and waited so more. I ALWAYS HAVE ON-TIME SESSIONS! It really bummed me out to suddenly NOT. But then it occurred to me (and Keith said it out loud) that I’m suddenly not a CD who people think is casting one or two little projects here and there–but I’m someone who people know (in an: “if it’s not this project, it’s the next” type thing) will soon be casting something else they want to get on my radar for… and they show up. THEY SHOW UP! Even if they aren’t confirmed, they show up.
Crap. I’ve just bumped up a tier. I’ve steadily increased my day rate for casting indies and I continue to get offers. WTF?? I increased my rate to cut down on the number of projects I got, and it’s not happening. Sure enough, it’s a sign that I’m right where I’m supposed to be and doing it right.
But now I have to schedule far fewer actors for auditions than I’d like to. That sucks. But, I guess it’s a quality problem.
Looking forward to the day when I can hire MCJ (My Cousin Joni) to be my full-time assistant and get loads more work done with the sense of efficiency that only a Virgo can provide.
BTW–I love actors! Everyone rocked today. Amazing, how wonderful and confident so many actors are. I love that. I am such a fan of so many wonderful people!

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  1. Aimercat May 4, 2005 at 1:19 pm

    Virgos are great for that organizing thing. Oh yeah, Chris and I had the Amazing Race “talk”. He’s in. Now I just need applications to open up for teams of 2 again.
    Another possibility why no “no shows” is that word of your policy is going around and no one wants to end up in your “naughty” file.
    Will you be available for an Amazing Race finale gathering next Tuesday?

  2. Julie-O May 4, 2005 at 1:40 pm

    How very cool that there weren’t any no-shows! People want to be SEEN by you, honey. Me included.
    I’m so sorry I missed the day, but I was actually working on a MMP; “Running with Scissors”… I got some “featured extra” work, even though the real reason they hired me was because of my car — and the car got some awesome close-ups and it was a GREAT day!! Gotta have more of those. It was quite a crash & burn to get back to my day-job office this morning.

  3. Jeannini-Nini May 11, 2005 at 1:26 pm

    Yeah Bon!! Here’s to rising to the next tier – YOU sooooo DESERVE it!