Hate migraines. HATE. MIGRAINES.
Did a rescue mission for my old comments on Haloscan and got them back up, even if the export feature didn’t deliver. *shrug* What do you expect for $12?
Since I’d sprung for the upgrade in order to get my old comments back, I decided to add Haloscan Commenting to my Shows I’ve Seen blog. We’ll see how that goes. Need to add details about Thursday’s show (and there are plans for another show tonight… but I have to get vertical first).
Doing homework on phpBB for a new forum/venture I have starting up.
Need to write my next Showfax column (which they tell me is actually The Actors Voice with NO apostrophe–kill me now).
And need to effin’ feel better. That’s the main thing. Dammit.
Oh, and we were out of power for most of the day yesterday. And it hit 90 degrees. Ugh. No wonder, the migraine!
Back to bed.
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Looks like we’re having brainwaves today, as I’ve been in bed all day with a migrane.
I guess if great minds think alike, they must hurt alike as well.
Love you – feel better.
Love you too, Joan. I’m feeling better now. Finally broke. Not sure why. Still have that “hit by a truck” feeling that comes with the heavy drugs, but at least the pain is gone. Messed up tummy, of course. Ugh. Back to bed.
Take care of yourself. XXOO
Well, here’s something to put a smaile on your face – I’m watching 90210 on F/X. It’s heaven when they FINALLY get to the Donna David wedding and start over with the 1st season. Gotta love back to back episodes with Brenda as Laverne and Brenda has a breast cancer scare.
Excellent! Happily, my TiVo picked up the Lavern episode. Ah… just watched it. Such good TV.
My migraine came back today. Dammit. Took more drugs. Still not over it all. Need better drugs. Was hoping we won the lottery so I could indulge in a trip to the Urgent Care Center. How effed up is that?
Anyway, I’m with you on the loving Season One coming back on FX. That’s always a happy, after having endured the whole DD Wedding/Kelly-Matt-Dylan Drama/Steve-Janet-baby whatnot.
It’s like a little present! LOL
Oh dear, ‘returning’ evil is no fun.
Take it easy girl, I know, hard to do, but you
must or you will have the ‘migraine hangover’ hanging around.