
As we enter my 12th year of writing weekly columns here at Actors Access, I’m reflecting on milestones. I’ve seen so very many actors achieve their goals and it’s always exciting to experience the leap to a new tier.

Milestones help us move forward faster. And it’s that FIRST goal that is hardest to achieve. The LONGEST time is before that first co-star. The most work comes before that first booking. The greatest patience in life is needed prior to the first big gig. And sadly, it’s the time before that first co-star that most actors pack it in and go home.

Ah! If only actors understood that sticking it out TO that first co-star is the hardest part, maybe there would be more success all over the place. Because once that first milestone is achieved, there’s a shorter distance between you and the next one.

That’s because — at a certain tier — milestones come faster. Whether it’s an accomplishment in fitness, in academics, in business, in acting, or in our personal lives, there are certain things that get EASIER once we’re past that first benchmark. There’s this momentum that gets going that sends us from one milestone to the next, inertia full-force, and suddenly we look back and think, “WOW! It really happened!” But sticking it out to get TO that point is essential.

So, how do we manage momentum and get to those milestones that take us to the next tier? Welp, growth management is a big part of our successes in the business (and in life). We have to assume everything is going our way and have no attachment to any result.

Mapping out momentum is one of the best things you can do for yourself from the very beginning. Start now. Come up with how you will lead this industry now. Think about how you will handle your Inside the Actors Studio interview. Come up with your list of those you’ll thank when you’re holding up something gold and shiny. Rehearse for the highest tier you plan to hit because there’s no time like NOW to get ready for where you’re headed. Waiting ’til you’re there to figure out what to do is NOT the way to make the most of each milestone.

Create a gameplan for each milestone you’ll reach. Start living “as if” right now. Write up a recipe for your next tier and share it with the world.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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