Movie Quiz

So, I’m convinced I’m doing TrackBacks wrong, so I’m just going to link to the post itself over at Chip’s Spynotebook that has led to this li’l quiz.
1. The last movie you went to see in a theater: Come As You Are screening at the GORGEOUS Silent Movie Theatre. We’re friends with the filmmaker and went to this one-night-only event and were very pleased with the film, its cast, and the friends we ran into while at the screening. Good times.
2. The last movie you watched at home: Shallow Hal, when it played (again) on F/X’s “DVD on TV” this past weekend.
3. Number of movies you own: Goodness. I’ll guess something like 250-300? Not sure.
3a. Last movie you bought: It is my understanding that Keith is buying Ray today in NoCal to watch with his sister and bring home for us. We had already planned to buy it today to help the DVD release start strong in sales. Hollywood geeks!
4. Got Netflix (or a similar service)? Nope.
4a. Next three movies in your queue: N/A.
5. Five movies you adore: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Student Bodies (which, interestingly is now credited to a director [Michael Ritchie, who is the director of my fourth-listed film]; though it’s an Alan Smithee film in its on-screen credits… hm… cult following inspires an outing of the actual filmmaker?), The Sure Thing, Fletch, El Mariachi.
6. Your guilty pleasure movie (or genre): Clerks. Yes, I know pretty much every word. Yes, I quote it in my head for no reason. Yes, I’m a huge dork. So be it.
7. Three people to whom you’re going to pass these questions and why: Kris (she’d do the quiz even if I didn’t ask her to do it… she’s OC(D) like that), Nini (I’ll get to learn more about my cool new friend that way), and Amy (’cause once she does it, so will everyone on the LiveJournal Circuit–if they haven’t already done it).

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  1. communicatrix February 1, 2005 at 10:59 pm

    1. Spanglish
    2. Fat City
    3. Dunno. 15, maybe? I’m Buddhist that way–I rent.
    3a. Sleepover
    4. Used to, but no.
    4a. N/A
    5. All About Eve, The Third Man, Ed Wood, Blazing Saddles, Goldfinger
    6. Showgirls. HA!
    7. No one. Like my family line, it dies with me.

  2. Aimercat February 5, 2005 at 12:43 am

    stolen and posted in my livejournal.

  3. Nini's Blog February 18, 2005 at 11:15 am

    On a Movie Meme Type Mission

    Bon has given me a mission, and I have chosen to accept because how could I possibly refuse a movie meme? 1. The last movie you went to see in a theater: Oh Lord, this is already embarrassing…ever since Greg…