Neighborhood Kid Stuff

So, on Wednesday afternoon before the (AMAZING, KICK-ASS, OMG, I-LOVED-IT) Pixies concert, Keith and I were taking a little nap, just to be sure we could keep up with the “kids” (and, yes, Keith was *close* to being the oldest one there… band members excluded, of course). While trying to sleep, we started hearing the banging of pipes across the street or down the street or somewhere within earshot in our otherwise quiet neighborhood.
What? Pipes? That’s odd.
When I got up, I looked out our window and saw the beginnings of what turned out to be (one of my favorite things on the planet) a parking lot carnival! Problem is, it’s for kids (rides too small for this big kid to play, though I’m sure I could get my face painted, if I really wanted to).
Anyway, click the pic if you want more info on what they’re calling “Octoberfair.” It looks pretty neat, and it (along with Taste of Santa Monica, which is going on this weekend too) is one of the things that makes me loooooove where I live.
It’s quaint. And “quaint” is hard to come by in Los Angeles sometimes.

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