New Casting Gig

Wow. I’ve received 297 electronic submissions already (that’s in three hours since releasing the breakdown), including a NAME for one of the roles for which we’d hoped to APPROACH a name (so much easier when they approach US).
The filmmakers are amazing. I had a great meeting with them this morning (followed by another rockstar book interview) and we really connected. That’s delightful. This is a thesis project for the MFA program at AFI. The film will be shot 35mm under a SAG contract and its working title is You Are Now Leaving Cactus Cove.
The entire breakdown is available at Actors Access and linked from the casting section of
Huge thank you to Robin Gwynne for introducing me to the film’s producer, Brenda Weiermair. She rocks, as does Anna Christopher (writer/director).
Very cool gig!

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1 Comment

  1. JeanNINE March 7, 2005 at 11:36 am