
Okay, so here’s what ELSE I learned about Blogging… Sara (no H) wrote to welcome me too! Love those Mason Sisters!
Pacific Coast Crew rules! Did you hear about our series of earthquakes? Tons o’ fun!
I guess I casually mention Sundance because it’s one of my jobs. I work in the LA office of the Sundance Institute, so to me, it was just making a business trip. But, it’s also very cool… and I’d be lying if I said I was “SO over those celeb-sightings” and all that. Tee hee.
My favorite films were a short called “I Lost 20 lbs. in Two Months… Ask Me How” (non-info available… drumroll, I’m going to insert some HTML here… here), “One Hour Photo” (others were unable to see Robin Williams as anything other than Robin Williams but I totally bought his creepy character and really liked this non-violent (but essentially violent) suspense thriller), “Human Nature” (a really funny low-brow comedy with Tim Robbins, Patricia Arquette, and Rhys Ifans), and “The Kid Stays in the Picture” (documentary from Bob Evans’ same-titled autobiography).
I also saw Frank Whaley’s “The Jimmy Show” but didn’t like it because it was SO sad. Ethan Hawke was good in it, though.
I guess, really, my biggest complaint about Sundance is that the festival was so much more corporate and high-financed than I’d anticipated. I couldn’t say I saw any film (other than shorts) made for under $2M and in my book, that ain’t an indie film! I’m working on a short for next year (submitting under a pseudonym, of course) spoofing the whole film fest culture. It really is a laughable experience.
Parker Posey was snooty, but not in an “I’m too good” sort of way. She just seemed busy and important (sadly, I’m getting used to that attitude being considered the norm, living in LA this long). She was wearing a floor-length fur coat, and that really pissed me off.
Oh, and I agree with you, that Chip’s new plate should be HIPPER with a little C sticker in front. I still want to see a pic of this car thing.
Okay… now I’m done. Gotta call casting directors to set up interviews for Friday.
Ooops — One last thing — Keith just got back from his audition for The Chair and they told the group that he was the first auditionee to score 100% on the written exam. They wouldn’t tell him what his heartrate was, though. Bastids.
Okay, ‘bye.

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