Spied one of the stars of Barney Miller and Paul Reiser Thursday at Jerry’s Famous Deli. Saw three TV stars yesterday whose names I don’t know (like “one of the stars of Barney Miller” is a name), one of them was the backwards-talking-dwarf from Twin Peaks. Also recently spied Nestor Carnoball (or BatManuel from The Tick, Luis from Suddenly Susan). He was with his wife taking a tour of the Birthing Center at Cedars when we were waiting to hear how D’s surgery went a couple of weeks ago. I was tempted to take the Birthing Center tour with all of these 8-months preggers ladies and their SOs. Al (D’s sister) and I were daring each other to go on the tour together. Had the tour taken place earlier in the surgical day, we’d have gone, just to diffuse the energy.
On to the Blogs…
Amy – Thanks so much for the Spammobile info. I’ve shared it with my friends in TX, since that’s where much of the current visits will take place. Very very cool.
Big Mike – Have you considered eBooks for your journey? I’ve never been a fan, but it seems, in terms of the heavy factor, that could be a good way to go.
Chipperonie! Love you, man. Still want to see photos of the Benz. Did you pick a license plate yet? Congrats on the digital camera. Can’t wait to see what you put up! I give up on the best $750 you ever spent. Could you give us a hint? Keith was Ernie too, when we did the Sesame Street character quiz. So I guess I DO go for the same “type” of guy. Heh heh! Hey, do you want one of my camcorders? You know I have two. If you’d really use one, we could work something out. Oh… and why don’t you just borrow one from the Newsteam? Please don’t tell me they’re still using those huge S-VHS cameras for field work. I think it’s great to start sentences with “I”… that way you never have to justify for whom you’re writing. You’re writing about your experiences from your point of view and that’s always great! I’m sorry you’ve been sick. That’s a bummer. Oh, and I want your ReplayTV if you’re done with it. Keith still claims that it is all evil spy device stuff, but I’m a big fan of having that sort of TV control. Does anyone know if there’s a site that took the place of Prevue.com? I really loved that you could tell it to email you whenever certain criteria you selected would be on TV. Example: I wanted to know whenever John Cusack will be on TV. I would get an email for my viewing grid telling me when he’d be a guest on talk shows, when any of his movies would air, etc. When you go to Prevue.com now you get TVGuide.com, and it has a pretty good search function for that sort of thing, but not at all as cool as what Prevue.com’s email thingy. Well… if you know of anything….
Courtney – Did you fly? That could be why you got so sick. Many times, if you’re a little sick and board an airplane, the pressure and recirculated air can make you very ill. When was your birthday? I wish you a happy belated one, and hope it was fun! What is Cecelia cake? You should have Coke Cake. Have I told y’all about that? My friend Faith (fellow Atlantan) makes it for every major occasion and it is pure greatness. I’ll put the recipe in the Food Blog. It’s truly yummy and yes you can substitute Dr. Pepper for the Coke and it’s delicious too. I’m all for People’s Court and Blogging being considered a full day. Very good stuff, if you ask me! Good luck catching your stray cats. Once upon a time, Mom went on a campaign to get all of the local stray girl cats fixed, even if she then let them back out in the wild. At least that way, they wouldn’t get knocked up. Good luck! Oh, your obnoxious woman in class… that’s the person I call the Classhole. There’s one in every class, and I really appreciate being able to pick that person out (because it means it’s not me). Tee hee. Tell me about the Athens Academy Talent Show! Who was great? Anyone I know? Oh, and I love the hiding figurines thing. An old roommate and I used to do that with a pink glitter-woven shoelace. We’d get out on campus and discover it was tied to the back of our jacket or backpack or we’d pour a bowl of cereal and it would be the prize, etc. I think, now 12 years later, I actually mailed the shoelace to her as a baby gift. Great tradition, that! Keep it up!
Jocelyn – The Crazy/Cat Kid song has been in my mind for days. Thank you for that! Unless you saw it being poured in, I doubt champagne was in your Orange Kiss Martini. Most likely Triple Sec, Gran Marnier, or Contreau. The reason I doubt champagne is in there is that, if they’re made to order, and not the special drink of the night, there’s no way it’s profitable for a bar to open a bottle of champagne for a splash in a drink. That’s why most bars serve champagne in a Split form (two glasses per bottle). It’s just more economical, if they’re going to try to sell by the glass. Here’s a few recipes from a bar drink site. Do some experimenting! Let me know what you come up with.
From Bar None Drinks.
Orange Martini (would be clear)
3 oz. Vodka
1/2 oz. Triple Sec
Dash of Orange Bitters
Citrus Martini (not clear)
4 oz. Lemon Vodka
1 tsp. Grand Marnier (Or orange liqueur)
1 tsp. Lime Juice (Fresh)
Jamie’s Martini (not at all clear, but sounds tasty)
3 oz. Vodka
1/2 oz. Triple Sec
1 oz. Orange Juice (Fresh)
1/4 tsp. Sugar
Soul Kiss (also not clear)
1 oz. Whiskey
1 oz. Martini and Rossi Dry Vermouth
1/2 oz. Orange Juice
1/2 oz. Dubonnet
Sara – I too am 53% evil! I was so sure I’d be more evil than that! Dangit!
Stephanie H. – I too am Zoe. I did not copy the code or grab the image on that one, though, since I have no idea who or what Zoe is. I was so going for Oscar the Grouch.
Okay, so here’s my news: The guest speaking thing went really, really well at the acting school. I’ve gotten tons of email and calls about it. Over 50 people stayed for my little shpiel and they had tons of questions. It was very gratifying. Keith and I went out after for our belated Valentine’s Day dinner. We went to the Pacific Dining Car, an enlarged train car restaurant that’s been in downtown since 1920. It was really romantic, very laid back, and just perfect. On Sunday, after Keith and I attended a Bridal Expo (dear GAWD, how awful is that?!) I checked in as Nurse Bonnie and stayed with D for most of the week. Her further bad news has really taken its toll on her. And me. Whenever I come home, I get very sad and over-manic. I know that’s all a reaction to having to put on a brave face for D so much of the time. So, long week, but I was able to do a lot of my work for the paper from D’s, as her dad had just bought her a new scanner, fax, printer combo dealy and that helped me a lot. The book deal memo is in place. I’m very nervous, but excited. It’s a good thing. We attended my friend Barry’s film screening last night. It was great. I’ve seen the film a few times now (it’s one of the ones on which I did makeup) and this time was my fave, just b/c the crowd was so into it. Very cool. Fabiana, Barry’s wife, is having a baby in a few months, and I’m putting together a shower for her. Just got off the phone with Sissa, my best friend from UGA days, whose wedding I’m in at the end of April. I’m going to be doing a whole East Coast tour thing, since she’s in Tampa. So, I hope to get to see everyone in Athens after that week in Florida. Anyway, I’m now talking wedding gowns and bridesmaids’ dresses and such and it’s all just very bizarre, to me. Another old friend from Athens is in LA and we’ll be going out for crab nachos on the Santa Monica Pier tonight. That’ll be nice. Tomorrow night, I go back to Nurse Bonnie duty for a long week of doctors visits (and Intro to Chemo Class, which D wants me to attend with her). Keith starts his new job at Yahoo Monday. He’s very excited, even though he’ll never be home anymore. It’s a short-term contract, so we’ll endure the stress on the relationship and then sit together and count all of the money to make us feel better.
Cats are good. I’m good. Life is good. Just busy, busy, busy, as usual. Love reading y’all’s Blogs, so thanks so much for keeping me entertained and amused. XXOO
Barry’s book
On The Psycho Ward: “We almost went to Vegas for a honeymoon, but we spent the money on a new fence instead.” [Leeming, 5/28/01]
Okay, Bloggers, here we go…
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