…there were Oscars. I cried. The usual.
I’m such a pansy-ass where award shows are concerned. I seriously BAWL watching all of these people live their dreams. Fairy Godmother Syndrome or what?!?
Since I didn’t do any of the ongoing catty-commentary stuff that I love so much, I’m sending folks to the home of the Couch Potato Corner for a really nice roundup of the awards.
Read Kris’ number 23 and imagine me saying EXACTLY what she wrote. It’s a little creepy.
What else?
Huge shoutout to Hamil, who is currently my Photoshop hero.
Kitties… they’re all on crack. I blame the moon.
Lots of analysis about enjoying childhood well into adulthood today. I see no reason NOT to enjoy the silly things. The non-silly things are there, whether we focus on them or not. So why on Earth would I choose to focus on them for any longer than I must, in order to live as an adult?
Point is… some stuff is just funny. As it should be. Snort-laugh giggle fits are highly underrated.
Oh, and I have AGAIN adjusted comments on the site in an attempt to make commenting easier for my visitors. Please try ’em out. And spammers be damned! I love my commenters more than I hate spam. So be it!
Okay, so…
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Yay! I was just thinking that I wouldn’t be able to comment on this because I wasn’t registered here, but you changed it!! :)I’ve finally got a little RSS feed going (Rose needs to work on that, as does Leemsie) so I can check you out (mark it) a little more regularaly. The dog’s been on crack lately as well. I agree. It’s the moon.Love you Chica!!
Yay! I can comment again! HUGS!