Okay, that’s it…

I think I’ve figured it out.
Comments break just after 11 hours. Case in point: Ed was able to comment at 2:04am on a post made at 3:08pm and I was NOT able to comment in reply to Ed’s comment at 2:44am.
So, that’s not quite 12 hours… or could it be the number of comments? Does that equal “full” in the MovableType-universe?
I’m so cornfused.
Well, anyway.
This is what I was going to say, in reply to your 2:04am comment, Sir Ed:

Yup. My “SixHundy.” I’ve loved it for over two years now. People say, “Wow. That’s a big phone.” And I reply, “Yeah, but it’s a TINY computer.”
Love it.
I’ve posted blog entries from it several times. It rocks.
And yeah, it cost too much, but considering how every-every-every day I use it, it’s worth it.

PS–Isn’t The Shield an effin’ kickass show? Man, I’m lovin’ the season one marathon on Spike(notLee)TV.

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  1. Bon March 20, 2006 at 3:44 am

    Testing comments on an older post.

  2. Bon March 20, 2006 at 3:45 am

    Okay, so clearly it’s not an issue of “newer posts make older posts un-commentable.” It’s more of an expiration date, methinks. Debugging is fun!

  3. Bon March 20, 2006 at 3:48 am

    And now testing a comment at the “older” entry after having made a comment at the “newer” entry.
    (Sorry for all of the comments. Just trying to debug.)

  4. communicatrix March 20, 2006 at 8:26 am

    Wait…you have a Treo that works? Is this what I’m hearing? Who’s your carrier? Please tell me Cingular. Please tell me you don’t have multiple freezes and crashes. God, I am DYING for a Treo….

  5. Jeannini-Nini March 20, 2006 at 9:58 am

    This comment will self destruct in……I think there’s a default setting in MT that maintains your “international woman of mystery” status after “x” amount of comments. – Just a theory, is all.

  6. Bon March 20, 2006 at 3:30 pm

    Coco asked/said: Wait…you have a Treo that works? Is this what I’m hearing? Who’s your carrier? Please tell me Cingular. Please tell me you don’t have multiple freezes and crashes. God, I am DYING for a Treo….
    Coco, I have had a Treo 600 since February 6, 2004. I LOVE it. I have had a couple of issues (all well-documented here in the BonBlogs–search “SixHundy” and/or “Treo” and/or “Cingular”) but none that make me regret a penny spent or regard an instant with my SixHundy as “wasted.”
    I am with Cingular. All good experiences except for a billing issue that has nothing to do with the Treo and everything to do with the idiot who didn’t upgrade my contract per terms documented IN WRITING, thus causing a year of roaming charges and no rollover that it took a lot of energy to get fixed (’cause, y’know, it’s my fault for not having CHECKED to be sure they activated the contract I left the store with a carbon copy of).
    Anyway, yes. Nearly two years and two months with the Cingular/Treo 600 combo and I’m happy as can be. I blog from it, email from it, take photos with it, keep up with all of my 7500 contacts using it (though the Entourage/Palm sync isn’t perfect–I have to PICK which address I want to show up in the Palm, since Entourage will only store two addresses (work and home) on the Mac, not on the handheld), and occassionally call home on it. 😉
    I’ll whip it out and play with it in front of you the next time I see you. (Heeeee! Mark it!)
    Oh, and Nini… I LOVE your theory. I think that might just be it!
    PS–Why does thread-count matter? Are sheets with a higher thread-count more comfy to sleep on? Anyone?


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