Sometimes I forget to notice how cool my life is.

I think we may all forget now and then.

We get so busy living the busyness of our business that we quickly shrug it off when we hear someone say, “You seem happy.” 🦋

Lately I’m finding it more important to MARK events and feelings and moments of being fully present. This is one of those markers. 💃🏽

The fabulous Jen Ponton invited me to step out on the red carpet with her at last night’s premiere of After Everything (which you should definitely see) and I didn’t hide or say, “Oh no… that red carpet isn’t here for ME to step on.”

I took my sober, present, lovely ENOUGHNESS right on up to the step and repeat and let Jen introduce me as her consulting producer.

I felt all the feelings of, “Who am I to have that camera flashing on me?’ and let them wash away along with so many years of playing small.

There is so much expansion happening right now and it is glorious to be present for every heartbeat of it. 💫

#DrJohnStracks #JohnSarno #DrSarno #mindbody #LouiseHay #AbrahamHicks #tms #UpperLimitProblem #soberachievers #sober #Sarno #IAmEnough #SMFAninjas #ExpansiveCapacity

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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