
Latest Scout Taylor-Compton post linked here.

So, I’ve been sick (in bed sick) since Wednesday night. Finally started feeling better Saturday evening, but then my lower back started aching as though I’d pulled, pinched, or otherwise wrenched something.


How, when I’ve been in bed for days, I do not know.

I tried to “get a good night’s sleep” by getting in bed before midnight, knowing I’ve a big, bad casting day ahead of me for Teenage Dirtbag with producers. Can’t sleep. Up and down to the bathroom. Flip-flopping with back pain. Fever in my back. Am I having kidney issues? Am I so stressed out about Scout and casting and a zillion other things that I’m psychosomatizing stuff?

Whatever it is… I’m up. God help me get through seven hours of casting and meetings that follow. Seems so silly a wish compared to, “get Scout home safe.”


Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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