All righty, folks. Let’s dig in on the 6th of 7 deep-dives on removing blocks from your path. This is your BLACK Chart Harmony list.

(The rest of this series: intro, Chart Harmony webinar replay, part 1 of 7, part 2 of 7, part 3 of 7, part 4 of 7, part 5 of 7.)

To work this process outside-in, say I ALREADY HAVE ENOUGH; I’M BEING GREEDY. When you say this out loud, do you feel a big YES coming from your gut? Is there some connection between this belief and your cellular memory? Did you hear this a LOT when you asked for more, growing up? If any of that is true for you, this is the remedy for you!

For anyone working inside-out, we’re doing planetary remediation for Saturn. If Daddy Saturn is your chart ruler (Capricorn or Aquarius Rising); your profected year ruler; the malefic you feel least connected with; in Aries, Cancer, or Leo (less-dignified placements); or just a planet doing a gnarly transit in your life right now, you’re gonna want to get this remedy going in your life.

(Again, if you’re barely woo-curious with all this, you’re going with the outside-in version rather than concerning yourself about your natal Saturn’s situation.)


When creating Chart Harmony with Saturn, we’re showing it respect for its ability to make do with very little. We’re letting it know that its power over time, its ability to make everything go cold, its boundary-setting and structure-creating genius are all useful forces in our lives. Daddy Saturn loves a schedule. A system. A spreadsheet. A SHOULD. Saturn is very happy when we are following a plan, setting a limit, abstaining from something we enjoy, saying NO.

Here’s some of what to do, if Saturn tells us we should be able to make whatever we have WORK:

~ wear black
~ use sandalwood essential oil
~ go on a fast (especially on a Saturday) or sip bone broth
~ drink pine tea, blackberry juice, hemp beer, flat water
~ lift weights, take a long walk, go line dancing
~ engage with obsidian, Apache tears, onyx, jet, or hematite
~ protest, demonstrate, participate in activism
~ meditate, take a vow of silence, do a digital detox, abstain from anything you enjoy
~ declutter a drawer, donate clothes you no longer wear, delete PDFs you’re never going to open, defriend a few people on social media
~ use cannabis in as many ways as the plant is available (Saturn loves making the most out of all the parts; no waste)
~ smash a coconut

These options are offered so that you can notice where things you already do line up with what Saturn enjoys (“Saturn” and “joy” aren’t words that really go together, but you get the point). When you make note of the ways in which you’re already doing Chart Harmony in your daily life, you’re providing a mindful moment to connect with a planet that may need a little extra attention in your natal chart.

Personally, I do Chart Harmony with Saturn to help it stop putting the chilling effect on my Chart Ruler, Venus. Venus is magnetic. Money flows easily. Love too. Life feels GOOD. And Saturn, when its presence creates an affliction with Venus, has the ability to slow all that down. Put a chill on it all. Say, “We already have enough. Don’t be greedy.” I’ve been working for a few years on getting Saturn to upgrade its definition of “enough.” I’ll say, “Sure, you may believe we can live in a shack with no running water, drink from a single mason jar, use one little messed up fork, because technically that’s minimalism… but so is a minimalist high-rise in Manhattan. Let’s upgrade ‘enough’ together.”

Chart Harmony between Venus and Saturn by Xene Clare - Author of Mischief - commissioned art for Bonnie Gillespie

I even commissioned an astrological artist, having them create my Venus — frilly panties and all — negotiating with Saturn that it’s safe to have our “enough” be more. (Notice that Daddy Saturn has decided to try on some frilly panties too.)

Because Saturn holds its line about “enough” so we won’t get run all over, I’m always very clear with my boundaries. They are a tribute to Saturn, after all! Since Saturn is the planet of SHOULD, I’m especially aware — when I feel a should creeping in — that it’s a sign my boundaries need to be even clearer. And… when Daddy Saturn is pleased, I don’t get hit with the shame Saturn likes to weaponize, either. Yay!

How will you begin to work with Saturn? Join in at the convo at our Chart Harmony Discord or just below in the comments. Looking forward to celebrating your success with this (though Saturn is not at all about celebrations or exclamations or exuberance of any kind). 😉

SATURN - ACTIVITIES - Chart Harmony Remedies at a Glance

Okay, fine folks. Next time, it’s our final installment. I hope you’re enjoying this series! I love hearing from you about all the ways you’re making Chart Harmony a part of your life.

SAVE THE DATE: My year-end woo webinar to help you prep for your most aligned 2023 is happening on December 17th! Make a note on your calendar and plan to join me in celebrating all the goodness we can co-create in the days ahead! [REPLAY AVAILABLE HERE]

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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