Scout Taylor-Compton: Still Missing

“Other stuff” below. But first, this update on Scout Taylor-Compton.

In my email exchanges with Scout’s mom in the wee hours of Monday morning, I have been reminded what strength and grace exists. Everyone, please know that your prayers, your vibes, your willingness to hit the streets with the flyers (wherever you live) help. Truly.

I wanted to share this photo of Scout as a blonde, in case her hair has been changed since she was last seen on the 12th.

Please, if you have seen Scout, call 1-800-THE-LOST immediately.

Other stuff…

Final callbacks were bittersweet (since Scout was not there), but fantastic. Teenage Dirtbag casting information will come out soon. I am such a fan of so many amazing actors in this town. What a blessing their creative energy and passion is to us all! Brilliant work!

My big brother Bill loves me so much! He recommended a chiropractor IN MY ‘HOOD (which rocks, since my chiropractor of six years retired last month) after reading my last blog entry. Awesome. Thanks, bro. I’m calling in the ayem.

I am questioning my sanity at enduring Inside 9/11 on the National Geographic Channel. Keith told me that he would NOT be watching, as it angers him to “kill” levels. Marines with combat experience get like that, so I don’t question it. But I have to watch. So, last night (while emailing with Chairman at E! and Lylith about Scout) I watched the first half of the documentary. I’m watching the last half tonight. I’m shaking and quaking with pain, grief, disgust… Thank God they’ve edited this documentary to include tales of righteous heroism between steady doses of tragedy or I wouldn’t be able to take it. I’ll report more about this at Monitoring the Culture momentarily.

I simply keep trying to understand the world we live in. Isn’t that all any of us can do? I have to constantly remember the millions upon millions of miracles I witness every day to try and balance the sadness I feel right now. It takes my breath away.

Get Scout home NOW. NOW. NOW.

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  1. Ali August 24, 2005 at 3:43 am

    Wonder if they’re planning on releasing it on DVD. Some of us aren’t cool enough for the National Geographic channel. My PTSD regarding anything 9-11 has fueled me to near addiction-like levels in getting anything I can read or watch I can. I’m now nearly shaking like an addict needing a fix. Really.

  2. sm00bs August 24, 2005 at 8:13 pm

    I absolutely loved what they did with Inside 9/11. The first night frustrated me, but it was much easier to watch than the second night. The second night had me in tears. I was trying to eat dinner while watching it, and I think it took me nearly the full two hours to finish since I had to stop half the time because I was crying. They picked some wonderful stories to include. I don’t know that I could have narrowed it down; I remember hearing so many amazing stories during the time that followed the tragedy.Ali will be happy to know there is a DVD so she won’t be left entirely in the dark.