Hee hee.
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!
If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!
How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
That’s so much fun. Tee hee.
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Now that’s an accurate quiz!
Hooray for me. I am a grammar goddess. And yes, it is definitely a dining room suite. I have never, ever heard of “suit” in my life. But that is because I come from England where everyone speaks correctly. Or maybe not.
Hey, Bonnie, fyi!
My Mommy washed dishes in the kitchen ‘zink’ and she swept the floor with a ‘sweep-it-carpet’.
Wow, I suck, I’m only a master of the English language. Or, more appropriately, a “mistress”. Although, that DOES conjure up images of black leather and boots, which I’m all for, so maybe it’s not a bad thing after all.