I’m recovering from a horrific case of the Hollywood Crud. You know that strain of pure evil that is hitting CDs, agents, filmmakers, writers, showrunners, managers, publicists, and actors everywhere? Yeah. It hit me. Twice….
Posts tagged bon’s life
The Let-Down
So, you might recall that I was hinting around (but superstitiously not revealing too much) about a “big thing” for which I put myself “out there” a couple of months ago. Okay, well my plan…
Creating Shorthand
I’ve recently been working quite a bit with a filmmaker I’ve known for just under three years. In showbiz, that’s both a very short time and a lifetime. We’ve now worked as director (she) and…
Who do you think you are?
So, I received an email last week that I was pretty sure would be today’s Your Turn. (As you can see by visiting that link, the email about which I am currently blogging is NOT…
Headshots I Keep (Revisited)
Okay, so I wrote a column here a couple of years ago called Headshots I Keep. I had been casting for about a year and a half at that point and I had only ever…
Being Flexible
Several times in the past week or so, I have been thanked for being so flexible. I thought I might have a column topic here, but the more I think about it, the more it’s…
Oh! That’s what this is.
Wow. It’s so weird. I was just toodling along, going through the submissions on the film I’m casting, when BAM! Something went wonky. My emotions started flying all over the place and I couldn’t for…
Embracing Inefficiency
Before I really get into the meat of this post, let me begin by saying this: I am giving myself three gifts, as a part of composing this apologia.^1 I will take a long time…