Fun fact that most folks don’t know about me. Until yesterday, I still had an “actor survival job.” Yup. In 1999, one of MANY gigs I got through the Job Factory was a very long-term freelance web design assignment for a small college textbook publishing company in West LA.


And while I put in fewer and fewer hours per week over the past seven and a half years, it was very comforting to know that if “this showbiz thing” didn’t work out, I could always step up my work there and make rent. Or whatever.

So, yesterday morning, we were all summoned to the office for a meeting. We all had the feeling this wouldn’t be a good thing, as we had been asked to do a LOT of work in the past six weeks to provide information to “investors” who were looking to buy a minority share in the company.

Yeah. That didn’t work out the way we’d hoped it would. And the company has now been sold to a major international corporation. And we are all out of a job.

Now, of course I’m bummed to not have that safety net, but I’m far more sad for those employees for whom this was their JOB-JOB for as many as 21 years! Suddenly there’s no more job. No more health insurance. No more nothin’. And no notice. Really shitty way to go out, y’know? And even if you know it’s likely to happen, that’s not cool to experience. Of course, so many people have been downsized. They’ve gone through this. Well, this was my first time ever in life “getting fired” or “being let go” or whatever. And the vibe in the room was one of shock, grief, and flat-out pissed-offness.

But as if the universe knew that I would like a little reassurance that “I’ll be okay,” on Wednesday night (about 14 hours before “the big meeting”), I got a call about a casting-and-writing-related opportunity that is pretty global in scope, way high-profile, and (presumably, potentially) very high-paying. So, thank you, dear universe, for making sure I would feel “more okay” than if I hadn’t received that call at that time.

So, universe… for those who didn’t get that kind of reassurance yet, could you show ’em a little love? Show them that an unexpected major life change can often be an opportunity to finally live your dreams!


And while I’m asking for stuff, please take care of the lovely Uma, whose ruptured brain aneurysm has her in a medically-induced coma in the neurological ICU. As the blood drains from around her brain, she can be brought out of the coma and head into rehab and recovery. As KiKi said, “Uma is a fuckin’ fighter.” Man, that’s the truth. I am keeping her in my prayers and hope BonBlogs readers will all do the same.


many thoughts for your friend.

Posted by: Amy at February 3, 2007 2:15 AM

Yay for happy things!!! That is SO cool!!

Posted by: Beth at February 3, 2007 3:01 AM

Wow. Did they even get severance?

And my thoughts are with Uma. Sounds like she’ll put up a terrific fight.

Posted by: Jennie at February 3, 2007 11:13 AM

The universe sure can be interesting!
I think it’s awesome that your day job left on its own. Plus you can get partial unemployment until the über-job kicks in.

Major happy thoughts going out to Uma!

Posted by: Bill Lipp at February 3, 2007 7:29 PM

Updates on Uma are here:

Keep sending out the vibes, y’all. THANK YOU.

Posted by: Bon at February 4, 2007 10:32 AM

“[A]n unexpected major life change can often be an opportunity to finally live your dreams!”

That’s what I’m discovering right now. I entered a doctoral program in clinical psychology, and discovered one semester into it that it wasn’t a good fit. Now I’m on leave this semester, looking at what I want to do with my life. I’m interning with a theater support organization, taking a 2-week jousting seminar in the hills of Tennessee, landed a gig at the Virginia Renn Faire this summer, have a paying temp job with the Wicked tour while it’s in town, and have an interview this week to squire and work my way up to knight at Medieval Times. I still feel like I should have more of a plan for my life (even though I’m only 22), and I miss my classmates and the camaraderie and relative security of being in school. But I’m much less miserable in my occupation than I was a few months ago, and I have a whole lot more freedom. I’m going to try to parlay this opportunity into the kind of satisfying career you’ve made for yourself, Bonnie. I always smile whenever I read your blog!

Many prayers for Uma, too.

Posted by: Cole Matson at February 4, 2007 6:47 PM

Best wishes to Uma for a quick and full recovery.

Posted by: Col. Hogan at February 6, 2007 5:09 PM

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