
You and I briefly tossed complimentary words around about “Best Laid Plans” and I wanted to drop a quick email to say hi, wish you a happy holiday, and offer my own nerdy cheer about a casting wiki. I’ve been using Google Docs to keep myself organized after my own wiki spontaneously combusted, but I love both methods. It’s such a neat, simple, streamlined way to make sure you’re on the up-and-up.

I’ve had a few bookings lately (some of which are still in post). My website has everything (including reels) if you have some spare time!

Short and sweet: I hope you had a terrific holiday, I hope to see you soon as we all head back to casting offices, and happy new year!

Kate Hackett

Congrats on your bookings and YAY for all the activity! That’s important. The momentum will keep you going. Love it!

While I’m thrilled you’ve found a way to store your data (especially where Your Show Bible is concerned), I have concerns about using free, web-based filing sites for storage. Now, I’m not a conspiracy theorist by any means, but as soon as I realized that EVERY message I sent via Facebook was owned by Zuckerberg, I changed my method of conversing with producing partners about projects we were hoping to shop to the networks.

Likelihood that Facebook (or Google or Yahoo or YouTube or anyone else) is going to actually take the contents of your brilliance and sell you out? Low. But it just takes once. Let’s go back to the lawsuit a guy tried to slap on Jimmy Kimmel for using his YouTube vid on his show. Nope. No case. Because the guy’s issue was with YouTube — to whom he had granted universal rights, in perpetuity, to sell and resell to others — not Jimmy Kimmel or ABC. And when they examined the box the dude checked when he uploaded his vid? You betcha. Game over.

Same with your Google Docs. Be careful what you’re storing there. Heck, be careful what you’re “liking” on Facebook. I’ve talked about this for YEARS and it’s about to get serious, as “Sponsored Stories” are going to launch at Facebook. Imagine what it’s gonna be like to have hit “like” on Pepsi and suddenly — as an actor — lose out on the Coca-Cola national campaign because of the fact that your image is, for life, given, for no pay, to Pepsi, thanks to your eager clicky-finger.

This is gonna get interesting. Be careful out there!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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