
Started getting a lot of traffic over here at the BonBlogs, so I decided to do a little snooping to find out why.
Seems that LA Observed (very cool blog I’m so happy to have stumbled across) quoted/linked back to my Wolfesden RIP post after seeing me posting about the ‘den closing on
So… hiya, new visitors! And welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay.
Uh… why is it that suddenly I feel the need to be a heck of a lot more interesting and inspiring? Uh-oh.
And, as all good poking-around-on-the-Internet expeditions should, this one ended with me adding even MORE new (to me) sites to my Safari bookmarks. Let’s see…
Franklin Avenue (neighbors blogging about their lives and to-do-tah-dahs here in town)
Tagline (cool film blog)
Dateline: Hollywood (satire on this crazy town)
Outside the Box (a way-too-cool-to-be-on-hiatus blog from about the swag sent to the daily)
News from “back home” is this: Tiffany (my niece) has landed her first extra role in a feature film (Beauty Shop, shooting in Atlanta)! When we saw her in Athens in February, she talked about wanting to get into acting and I encouraged her to do so, to come to Hollywood… all that stuff that would make her parents mad at me but that I know would secretly thrill everyone (protective aunt taking care of the sweet cheerleader in Hollywood). So… when she text-messaged Keith’s phone with the big news today, I wasn’t at all surprised.

I’d love to have Tiffany here! She’s not *too* far off from the age I was the first time I moved across the country. Hee hee.
Okay… still updating the Shows I’ve Seen blog, gearing up for Hollywood Happy Hour, preparing my segment for the Hollywood Black Film Festival next week, writing the Showfax weekly column, and putting the finishing touches on the (shh… can’t reveal it yet) project with Kim Hardin. Whew! That’s a lotta stuffs! No wonder I can’t sleep! Tee hee.

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  1. Joyce Isaza June 21, 2004 at 12:10 pm

    OMG! Your niece looks just like you!!…Busy,busy girl!! Keep on rockin!

  2. Hal Perry June 21, 2004 at 11:37 pm

    When I first saw a picture of her, I thought she was your sister. She’s your niece?
    Your family has definitely tapped into a strong gene pool!