
Should I buy one of these so that y’all can be “in on” the casting process while I’m on the road?
More to post after I speak at The Actors’ Network tonight. I’ve scheduled a speaking engagement at yourACT Studio in Atlanta, while there. This is just getting so dang cool.
THANK YOU everyone for letting me know you’re up for helping out as day players in Nashville and Atlanta. I’ll be in touch this weekend (while packing and getting a ton of work done for Roxbury, getting a few Showfax columns written, and continuing publicity work for the casting). Oh, and we have another interview for the book tomorrow. Ack! How am I going to get everything done? Did you know that Google employees’ girlfriends get $16/mo. membership to 24 Hour Fitness? I’m so there! Nightswimming, baby!
Gotta go.

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  1. suesie October 15, 2004 at 11:17 pm

    YOU are Uber cool – enjoy enjoy enjoy…but i have said that already…have some possilbe hookups in hotlanta – just let me know and i’ll call in some favors….have a safe and majorly eventful trip to the nash and the atl – it’s late, i know…and here i am TRYING to be uber cool, too!!! ha! yes, get a cyber cam…i’ll be watching…miss my oldest, ya know…thanksgiving can’t come soon enough…all our best, bonnie (and thanks for EVERYthing!) suesie and kendall

  2. cindy k October 16, 2004 at 10:33 am

    The computer cam or whatever cool gadget that is looks like fun!
    Enjoy the whirlwind Bon!

  3. Susan Jones October 16, 2004 at 6:47 pm

    Bon, Cody just bought a g4 laptop ….any gadgets (like this one!) you can suggest for Christmas?
    ohhh…shhhhh…he reads you!
    Have fun! and where did you get this toy?