What a wonderful night!

Thank you everyone!! The inaugural Hollywood Happy Hour was a smashing success and we are just so very proud!
Huge huge huge big thanks to Uncle Bob and Aunt Diana for the audio tech; to Brasserie des Artistes for the locale (and the $85 gift certificate); to Showfax and Breakdown Services for the best actor gifts of the night; to Actor’s Bone, Pampered People, Aqua Hooks, Back Stage West, and most especially E! Online for all the awesome goodies in the goodie bags; and to our amazing assistants: Heather and Keith for their tireless efforts in pulling this together.
Thank you to our guests: Cindy Margolis and Michael Donovan. And of course, I must thank my lovely co-hosts and cohorts Nelson Aspen and Kris Burtt for being such total rock stars and dear friends.
Great time, great people, great info, and just all around great experiences for us all!
Glad to have our first event behind us, and happy to have shared it with you all.
Next up: Craig Tomasoff from US Weekly and Stacy Kumagai from Braingasm.com. April 3rd, 6pm. See you there!!
Look for updates on the website soon. I know that some of our guests will be writing up reviews on the night’s events and we’ll feature a few audio clips courtesy of our awesome audio tech friends!! Have I said thanks to Uncle Bob yet??
Cheers, everyone! And thanks for joining in this first Hollywood Happy Hour!

The Book Is Here!
“The fact that Susan and Sean were drinking Pepsi leads me to believe that there was at least one person trying to annoy another. On the positive side, it wasn’t in Ottawa.” – David’s brilliance in SpyNotebook, Oct. 2002

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