When Comments Are Broken…

…leave me a voicemail. On my blog! FOR REALS!
I just signed up for Odeo. Scroll to the place on my left menu bar and click on “Send Me an Odeo.” Assuming you’re cool with letting Odeo access your computer’s microphone (via Flash), you’ll be able to record a voicemail for me, with no software, no account, no nothin’!
Cool, huh?
Thanks to LifeHacker for pointing out the how-to on Digital Inspiration. It’s way cool, from what I can tell. Yippee!
added to the post because comments are broken again:
Well, Ellen, nothing has come through my new Odeo inbox from you yet. 🙁 I’ll keep checking. And thank you for STICKIN’ IT TO THE MAN and doing something fun during work! 😉
You rock! I’ll let you know if/when it comes through. Thanks for trying it!

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  1. Ed R March 20, 2006 at 5:26 pm

    HA! As IF I’d trust MacroMedia to even THINK about my microphone!
    Hi Bonnie!

  2. Bon March 20, 2006 at 7:54 pm

    Well, I wouldn’t expect you to do it, Ed, as it’s way Big Brother to you (and you’re just a caveman and all that).
    But is NO ONE going to Odeo me? 🙁

  3. Ed R March 20, 2006 at 8:13 pm

    Honey, if I had a microphone connected to the computer, you’d have one already. Just because!
    But I don’t have any microphones!

  4. Ellen March 21, 2006 at 10:57 am

    I sent one! (rather surreptiously at work) hopefully I did it right 😉

  5. chip March 22, 2006 at 9:04 am

    They weren’t broken. Your blog was configured differently and was confusing mtclosecomments. My prediction is that I will be able to post this now.

  6. Ellen March 22, 2006 at 1:04 pm

    You’re welcome Bonnie, could be that something is not installed right on this work computer, if it didn’t go through. But I didn’t get an error message or anything.

  7. Bon March 22, 2006 at 8:21 pm

    Thank you, Chipper! Whee! Comments! Yay!
    And Ellen, I may not have my INBOX configured correctly! Who knows! I’ll look into it. Still, thank you for trying it out! You rock!


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