…I answer silly surveys! Feel free to do the same. 😉 I’ll pack tomorrow!
Survey One
A – Act Your Age: 33.9
B – Boyfriend: Keith Johnson
C – Chore You Hate: Dishes, vacuuming, taking trash out
D – Dad’s Name: Charles
E – Essential Make-Up Item: Cover Girl pressed powder
F – Fave Actress: Faith Salie! (another “F”) 😉
G – Gold or Silver: Silver
H – Homeland: Hotlanta (another “H”) 😉
I – Instruments You Play: none well
J – Job Title: Author, Casting Director
K – Kid-Like Thing You Still Do: giggle with glee whenever possible
L – Living Arrangements: in transition from a large 1BR in the Hollywood Hills to a 2BR apartment seven blocks from the beach
M – Mom’s Name: Charlsie
N – Number of Men You’ve Slept With: Pff. Taking that number to the grave, my friends!
O – Overnight Hospital Stays: just one (age 3)
P – Phobia: cotton balls (yes, I am serious)
Q – Quote You Like: “Live your dreams. If you don’t, someone else will!”
R – Religious Affiliation: open. 😉
S – Siblings: two very-older brothers
T – Time You Wake Up: whenever
U – Unique Habit: have a whole list of ’em at the “Little Known Facts” page of the bonsite. I’ll say… only turning volume up or down in increments of five, when numbers are used to measure the volume (but really, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. OCD is such a strange beast).
V – Vegetable You Refuse to Eat: It’s not a vegetable, but I can’t think of a veggie I don’t like, so I’ll say: the evil mushroom. Ick.
W – Worst Habit: picking at scabs. Ewwwwwwww.
X – X-Rays You’ve Had: good lord… way too many to recall.
Y – Yummy Food You Make: I burn water, but I can make a GREAT spinach dip!
Z – Zodiac Sign: Cancer (with Libra moon and Libra rising… ooooh!)
Survey Two
— Name: Bonnie Athene Gillespie
— Birth date: 11 July 1970
— Current Location: Hollywood Hills
— Hair Color: reddish
— Height: 5′ 7″
— Righty or Lefty: lefty
— Your heritage: mutt (Scottish, Irish, British, Dutch, Cherokee)
— Your weakness: perfectionism
— Your perfect pizza: Stouffer’s French Bread, with pepperoni
— Goal you’d like to achieve: Abundance that allows me to take care of my friends and family, create an endowment at my alma mater, take classes, do crafty things, write for fun, travel in style.
— Your thoughts first waking up: Yay!
— Your best physical feature: my rack
— Your bedtime: what’s that?
— Adidas or Nike: Adidas… b/c I know someone. 😉
— Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Tejava
— Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
— Cappuccino or coffee: Chai Latte. No coffee.
— Smoke: former smoker
— Cuss: absofrickinlutely!
— Sing: as frequently as possible
— Take a shower everyday: or a bubble bath
— Ever been in love: all the time
— Want to go to college: perpetual student. I describe my PhD as in-progress but on hiatus.
— Liked high school: It had its moments.
— Want to get married: Maybe.
— Believe in yourself: Absolutely.
— Think you’re attractive: Yup.
— Think you’re a health freak: No. I can be. But no.
— Get along with your parents: Mom’s gone.
— Like thunderstorms: Love them.
— Play an instrument: None well.
In the 6 past months…
— Drank alcohol: of course
— Smoked: um… yeah. I think so.
— Had Sex: tee hee. Yes.
— Made Out: awwww yeah. Love that!
— Gone to the mall: is the Citadel a mall?
— Eaten sushi: yes
— Been dumped: by a friend? Yes.
— Made homemade cookies: never
— Dyed your hair: nope
— Stolen anything: yes. And gave it back. 😉
— Played a game that required removal of clothing: nope
— Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: sure
— Been caught “doing something”: such as?
— Been called a tease: constantly
— Shop Lifted: no
— Changed who you were to fit in: absolutely not. Stopped doing that in my 20s.
— Age you hope to be married: when it’s right
— Numbers and Names of Children: Uhm… liking names like Walker (family name) and Mia/Maya type names. Who knows?
— Describe your Dream Wedding: Just us. Quiet. Lovely.
— Where you want to go to college: I’d love to go back to the UCLA Writer’s Program. I had a blast while I was there before.
— What do you want to be when you grow up: I don’t even understand that question.
— What country would you most like to visit: Ireland
In a boy… or girl:
— Best eye color?: grey
— Best hair color?: dark brown or black
— Short or long hair?: depends on facial features and style
— Height: tall
— Best weight: bigger than I can bench-press
— Best articles of clothing: well-worn jeans
— # of people I could trust with my life: eight
— # of CDs that I own: good lord! Thousands.
— # of piercings: one in each ear
— # of tattoos: two
— # of scars on my body: many
— # of things in my past that I regret: zero
Survey Three
First best friend: Susan Waters
First real memory of something: Reenacting “The Donny and Marie Show”
First Job: Babysitter
First screen name: bonnieathene
First self purchased album: “Grease” Soundtrack
First funeral: Clay O. Gillespie (grandfather), 1990
First pet: Tabby (A beagle. I wanted a cat.)
First piercing/tattoo: Ears/Left Ankle
First credit card: 1988 (Still paying off that Victoria’s Secret bra.)
First enemy: Some kid named Marc at the Montessori School
First big trip: Daytona Beach
First concert: ELO
Last big car ride: Sundance 2002
Last good cry: from laughter at Keith
Last kiss: an hour ago when Keith went to bed
Last movie seen: “The Terminal”
Last beverage drank: ice water
Last food consumed: spinach dip on toast
Last crush: John Cusack (same crush since 1985)
Last phone call: the director of the next film I’m casting
Last TV show watched: Nip/Tuck on TiVo
Last time showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: black strappy sandals
Last CD played: Pixies’ “Trompe le Monde”
Last item bought: a round of drinks at Fox & Hound after Pamela’s show last weekend
When I Should Be Packing…
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Your ankles are pierced? Now that is weird. 😉
A – Act Your Age: 39.2
B – Boyfriend: HUSBAND – Nick Hofmann
C – Chore You Hate: Taking trash out
D – Dad’s Name: Luke
E – Essential Make-Up Item: Jane pressed powder
F – Fave Actress: Glenn Close
G – Gold or Silver: Silver
H – Homeland: Wheat Ridge, CO
I – Instruments You Play: Piano, flute, sax, cello
J – Job Title: Actor, voiceover artist
K – Kid-Like Thing You Still Do: Ride roller coasters
L – Living Arrangements: Rental house in Van Nuys with hubby, doggie, kitty
M – Mom’s Name: Mary Anne
N – Number of Men You’ve Slept With: I’ll never tell
O – Overnight Hospital Stays: Too many to count
P – Phobia: Fire, burglars
Q – Quote You Like: “Live your dreams. If you don’t, someone else will!” (okay, that’s better than mine)
R – Religious Affiliation: Raised Catholic — now I’m kind of spiritually open
S – Siblings: two older brothers, one older sister.
T – Time You Wake Up: 6:45 am
U – Unique Habit: Twitching the side of my mouth when I find something absurd.
V – Vegetable You Refuse to Eat: OKRA. ICKY
W – Worst Habit: Smoking
X – X-Rays You’ve Had: Too many to remember
Y – Yummy Food You Make: Game hens with honey-garlic rub and orange stuffing
Z – Zodiac Sign: Gemini