
MCJ is on her way to LAX. Keith is on his way to pick her up. We’re having people over this late afternoon/early evening, so if you’re interested, call or email or comment here and we’ll tell you when, where, and what to bring, if you’re so inclined on the latter. ALETA IS BRINGING FUDGE!
Oh, and I had a dream last night in which I was a prostitute (yes, we’re still trying to cast the prostitute role in Still of the Night) and my second customer was Danny DeVito. I took one of his condoms with me to the upfronts with cousin Faith and disposed of it after I got off the boat that delivered us from the screening of Faith’s new show back to the press lodge.
Um… okay.
Oh! If you come over tonight, be prepared–our next door neighbor moved after Thanksgiving, so they’ve been fixing up her place for the newbies, and that means lots and lots of PAINT FUMES ’round here! Woo hoo!

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  1. Bon December 10, 2005 at 1:56 pm

    5pm looks like the official start time for gathering, but you can come whenever you’d like (hush, Leems).
    Call if you want to check status before swinging by.

  2. Aimercat December 10, 2005 at 3:42 pm

    Kels doesn’t get off work until 4 and I’m still kicking it at her mall in the food court. love free wi-fi.

  3. Rose December 10, 2005 at 6:12 pm

    I have no idea how late the show I’m working on will go — I’ll call you before I head over from the theater, just to make sure folks are still there! (Of course, you probably won’t see this until after I’ve called. But, y’know, just in case.)