This is from a series at our Chart Harmony Discord server… scroll down for the link if you’d like to join us there for all the good convos we have going on there. 😉 For the quick how-to on the adding up of all the numbers, the numerology of 1 post covers that, right here.

[TIP: Use these links to jump around to my latest numerology posts for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.]

Okay. Let’s party!

numerology 3 paint by number

Starting at midnight wherever you live, Thursday the 15th is a “3 day,” numerologically.

3 days (or 3 months, or 3 years) bring to life the manifestation of the seed-planting action we took during the 1 and the nurturing of that seed we did during the 2. It’s time to celebrate! Bask in the joy of the REVEAL. Feel proud and expansive about how loved our creative baby now can be, out in the world.

The 3 vibe smacks of Sagittarius, thrilled to communicate and filled with so much glitter thanks to its expansive ruler, Jupiter. Oops… totally should’ve used an exclamation point there! 😉 3 is unapologetic and pure magic, having brought together a swirl of Fire, Earth, and Water (Air comes tomorrow).

Spend your 3 energy promoting, celebrating, performing, creating, and enjoying the sparkle! IF you’re feeling less than inspired by how the marriage of 1 + 2 manifested, it’s time to consider what to do differently on the next one-two punch.

Make it count!

Chart Harmony with Numerology 3

Want info on what numerology YOU are, by birth? Grab my free training — What Your Birthday Says About Youhere! I’ve gotchuu! And if you’d like to join our free community for having these discussions on the daily, our Discord is here. Yay!


Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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