This is from a series at our Chart Harmony Discord server… scroll down for the link if you’d like to join us there for all the good convos we have going on there. 😉 For the quick how-to on the adding up of all the numbers, the numerology of 1 post covers that, right here.

[TIP: Use these links to jump around to my latest numerology posts for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.]

Okay… let’s party!

numerology 9 paint by number

Starting at midnight wherever you live, Wednesday the 21st is a “9 day,” numerologically.

9 days (or 9 months, or 9 years) close off the cycle. Those seeds we planted in the 1, nurtured or dug up in the 2, celebrated in the 3, worked hard for in the 4, rebelled against in the 5, repaired in the 6, got spiritual about in the 7, and took power around in the 8 are now at their endstage. It’s time for pruning. Only take with you into the next 9-day (or 9-month, or 9-year) cycle what you really WANT coming with you.

The 9 vibe is fabulous for pruning, decluttering, letting go. The 9 numerology aligns with the astrology of Scorpio, ruled (traditionally) by Mars. Scorpio is phenomenal at digging deep into the depths of things to be sure every last bit is known, so it can all be brought through the transmutation process. Fully. You’ll want to really go there during the 9 day. Doing so makes the next 9-day cycle that much clearer.

Spend time in deep reflection as you navigate the 9 day. Journal from a place of gratitude for what you’re letting go now. Exfoliate. Soak and steam. Release from every pore, so tomorrow’s fresh start is truly brand new.

Want info on what numerology YOU are, by birth? Grab my free training — What Your Birthday Says About Youhere! I’ve gotchuu! And if you’d like to join our free community for having these discussions on the daily, our Discord is here. Yay!

Chart Harmony with 9 Numerology

I hope you enjoyed this series! Keep me posted on how Chart Harmony is going for you!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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