Here’s how today went.

I woke up when I felt like it and started my day with Abraham-Hicks MP3s while prepping and eating Whole30 goodness from Territory Foods. 💫🌱

Did some work with the hubs and then headed out for a private at Sandpiper Pilates. We did some breathwork plus a much-needed psoas release. 💪🏽💥

From there, it was time for acupuncture with Jeremiah Krieger, during which I floated doing my RTT from Glyniss Trinder. 🧘🏽‍♀️🦋

After that, I hit Burke Williams for a soak, steam, and massage with Jacob-the-amazing. (Pro tip: Before your massage, put some of the spa’s luxe facecream all over torso, neck, face, jawline, even the bootie. While you’re on the heated table getting rubbed on, your whole bod will get a deep-moisturizing treatment. I always hated feeling partially hydrated, partially parched after a great massage.) 🕊👍🏾

All of this is doable even on a budget (check out Abe, RTT, and breathwork on YouTube; reduce sugar, wheat, and dairy in whatever you already eat; do mat Pilates at the local community college or YMCA; go to massage school or PWYC places — I love the early-bird special at Bao Foot Spa — and do the prompts in the Curable app). Start where you can start. But start self-care. 😍❤️😘

The important thing is doing it. Consistently. Unapologetically. So the nervous system gets a break from the noise of the world.

This quiets the inner critic, reduces anxiety, promotes vitality. Plus it all just feels really damn good.

What are your top self-care musts? I wanna know!

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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