I’m all about hacks and shortcuts and acronyms and mnemonics and anything else that gets this programming and processing space we call a brain working the way I want it to. See, the brain on its own is a playground filled with efficiencies for staying small and safe, yet we find ourselves wanting to grow, yearning for change, excited to explore new things.

This means there’s work to do to get a pretty big part of our brains even contemplating doing anything other than keeping us exactly as we were yesterday. And the day before that. And so on.

And since I’ve spent decades helping showbiz creatives go from an agentless, pre-union, out-of-market, never-been-on-a-set reality to feeling at home on soundstages, doing brandprov on junkets, holding up gold-and-shiny things thanking the Academy, and living out their dreams… you can see that CHANGE is a pretty big part of how my world operates.

One of the things I’ll ask when a member is particularly stuck is: “How committed to these emotions are you?” It’s a really handy question — not just because it’s rarely, if ever, asked — to help us recognize the CHOICE in *any* situation. Because there’s being poor but hopeful. Sick but hopeful. Alone but hopeful. Jobless but hopeful. Overwhelmed but hopeful.

You see the pattern.

I’m not talking about denying the facts or refusing to face reality; I’m talking about being able to more successfully tackle ANY situation due to the inherent optimism that exists in the realm of “I could succeed, here.”

It’s deceptively simple yet ridiculously effective. Try it!

The next time you’re feeling stuck, ask yourself how committed you are to the emotions you’re having around it all. Even if your answer is, “I’m pretty damn committed!” at least you’ll know your stuckness is impacted by your own choice, there. And eventually, you’ll choose differently. (“New choice” is not only a fabulous improv jam; it’s an easy shift toward more creative thinking in ALL situations.)

Just remember, the brain LOVES same-same-same, so we’re challenging the way we’re wired every time we ask ourselves to break a habit. To change a belief. To be our best selves.

The same way we encourage a puppy or a child as they accomplish something new, as they grow, I’d love for you to start encouraging yourself when you lean into the growth that your brain resists… but that your soul craves.

Closing this gap is the work, y’all.

Three quick goodies before I close off this post:

1. The Self-Management for Actors audiobook is now INSTANTLY available for you over here. So excited! (I’m told they even included my potty-mouthed bloopers! Ha ha!)

2. I’ve shared my thoughts on altruism in wake of a new Columbia University course I’m taking on self-actualization (like you do). I’m not actually sure altruism exists. Your thoughts?

3. For those who enjoy my astrology work, I’ve decided to do an overview of September’s “big astro”. Keep an eye on my Instagram; I’m about to roll out some fun numerology tools for you!

All right, lovelies. Make it a good week! If you’ve not grabbed my latest free workbook — on how to avoid Actor Busy Work — please do so. I’ll be hosting a few webinars this month to go deeper with you on making sure you’re no longer wasting TIME in your creative career.

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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  1. Sean Frost September 7, 2020 at 3:24 am

    Ome of the most useful phrases, used judiciously, regarding emotions for me is, “Im not married to it.” If the coffee is burning your tongue, you do have the choice to spit it out. I think the really important part, though, is to lrecognize when you are married to it. Then you have the choice to accept it or change it, but the bottom line is at least you know. Certain things should royalty walk, should insensitive, should send you into pills of joy; other things maybe you could dial down a notch, or dial it up, whatever the situation demands. kind of like riding the engineering controls of your life, for those with audio engineering experience.

  2. Alexandra Cohler September 7, 2020 at 9:06 am

    When a thought comes up that’s not helpful, I usually say “thank you for sharing” but I LOVE this way of dealing with emotions. It also reinforces that I am not a victim to my emotions (an incredibly important reminder for me personally) and that it’s my choice whether to stay in that headspace or not.

    1. Sean Frost September 7, 2020 at 6:50 pm

      So good! Important reminder for me, too. We always have a choice.

    2. TBG_Erin September 8, 2020 at 6:56 am

      Awesome! So glad this resonated with you. 🙂


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