A Special Day

According to JARUSA, it is my 12,000th day on this fine planet. How did you celebrate?
I took a nap, chose NOT to go to The Matrix with Keith, and did another ten hours of work on Paradise Hotel. It’s getting harder (details here), but I still love the job, love the people, love the pay.
Last night’s Mr. Personality party at the Barfly was chez chic and tres trendy. I was way too old for the kind of fun others were having, but I had a great time, nonetheless.
12,000 days old is quite “up there,” y’know.
I feel like a cad (can a chick be a cad?) for not responding to fellow Spy Notebook types. THANK YOU for the encouragement. Yes, I knew about The Woggles being The WUOGgers in their first year. I’m excited for all the cool things happening in the worlds of married life, job interviews, and continued finding-one’s-self quests.
I must pay some bills. Happily, Casting Qs has already paid for itself (on paper… we don’t get the money until six months after the sales started; meaning we just got our first check from the distributor last week) and made a nice little profit. Seeing the cover art and promotional material for the second book, Self-Management for Actors, in the distributor’s fall catalogue has me quite eager to see it published. Of course… I must write it first. If I keep up this casting thing, that ain’t bloody likely.
Interesting twists and turns this li’l life-path takes. Looking forward to seeing where the next 12,000 days take me.

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