Okay. So you know your brand is the umbrella under which all the types you can play live, right?

[If the whole actor brand thing is a mystery to you, I have free training for you right here. You’re welcome.]

I’ve always said that your brand doesn’t really change that much. The pole that holds up that brand umbrella may shift and the fabric of the umbrella may re-center, meaning that some of the types that are currently at the edges of your brand may feel less fringe-y and more the core of how you are cast. But in general, your brand is your brand is your brand.


There are a few key events in our lives that create a brand shift. A deepening. A complete recategorization of your primary castability even though you may feel like the same person, essentially.

~ becoming a parent
~ losing a parent
~ losing a child
~ your Saturn return
~ that first big health *thing* that makes us know we’re temporary
~ societal, cultural, or generational trauma

Hey, guess what! We’re *all* in the midst of that last one and that means — as production picks back up in more consistent ways — you could be staring down the business end of a bit of an identity crisis.

I want you to hop on Wednesday’s livestream with me (I’ll go live here at 11:30am PST on the 10th) so we can chat about how the collective trauma has likely shifted who you are in the world… and how that impacts your career as a storyteller.

(Yes, there will be a replay. In fact, I’ve posted it just below for you.)

Before I sign off, two other quickies:

1. If you are a part of our Get in Gear membership, we have our next live Q&A Zoom today! Check the dojo for your info on how to connect so we can support you on your enoughness workout as you take Hollywood by storm! (Not a member? We can get you in the dojo in time for the Zoom if you act, like, NOW-ish.)

2. If you like doing TikTok DUETS, I have a thing I’m working on… can’t talk about it too much (but if you peep my IMDb, you can *probably* piece together what sort of innovative collaboration I just may be a part of right now). Hit me up via DM at Instagram for a few details that I *can* share and we’ll see if this world we’re building is a good fit for jamming.

Yay! I love finding new ways to tell stories!

Thank you for being a part of them, just by reading this post! 🙂 You’re awesome.

See you soon!

Much love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

[REPLAY: Actors! Has Your Brand CHANGED? Bonnie Gillespie’s Self-Management for Actors]

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