Remember that job that took me out of town for a few weeks last year? Well… the resulting show airs tonight on E! Yup. There’s my boss, Wayne. 😉 Looking forward to seeing how the…
Posts Published by bonblogs
How To Live Hard and Age Well
Recently saw a photo that disturbed me. A lot. (2005) (1993) Yes. That’s Adam Duritz. What a difference 12 years can make! Here. Lemme show yah how it’s done, dear. (2005) (1977) Yeah. That’d be…
Friday Night Items
Item One: Awesome friend-for-21-years goes in for the lead in a pilot. Exec prod? Awesome other friend-for-19-years. What do they talk about? Me. How do I know? Phone call. “Just wanted to let you know…
Extra-Bloggy Today
So, I’m just writing it all up, eh? Last night, Keith and I had a romantic date at PF Chang’s. They have a gluten-free menu. Holy bejeebus, was that food GOOD! I had no idea…
Well, Hell. A Quiz
I know how happy this will make Kris! 😉 Nabbed from Chip. 20 Questions to a Better Sense of Humor Sunny/Dark: 7/10 drY/Gross: 3/10 Traditional/Offbeat: 5/10 Active/Passive: 7/10 You are a DYT–Dark Dry Traditional. This…
Silly/Sweet Kitty
Thwok misses Keith too. She decided to go into the cabinet under the sink in the bathroom and I decided to let her play. She came out COVERED in Keith’s shaving cream. Now she smells…
Industry Support
More support. This time, from Woody Allen. Casting Directors are certainly as integral to the success of a film as the Costume Designers, Editors, Location Managers, etc. They are responsible for the one element that…
He’s Leaving
So, this morning, Keith brings out his suitcase and puts it on the living room floor. I start mock wailing. HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME?!? NO! NO! NO! I finally feel what the cats must…