Cool support from Mike Nichols. I was shocked to hear that Casting Directors aren’t provided with the basic benefits that many others receive automatically. So many casting directors have worked tirelessly over the years to…
Posts Published by bonblogs
Future Post Test for Chip
Okay, Chip. Here’s a test. It’s REALLY 7:26am. I’m telling MT to post this at 7:44am. How’s that? Lemmeknow if I did it right/whether it works/if it matters. 😉
Reflections on the Golden Globes
Ah, the joys of TiVo and watching, commercial-free, in the wee hours! THAT’s the solution to stupid tape-delayed broadcasts! Woo hoo! 1. Claire Danes, EAT SOMETHING. Jesus! 2. Gooo, Greer Shephard! Way to rock that…
Secret TV Ritual
Okay, so I have my not-so-secret TV rituals (I only recently outed myself about the Indy 500), and then there’s this one… Yes. The American Kennel Club’s Dog Show. Yes. I know I’m not a…
Yankee or Dixie?
From the greatness of Suesie: Are you Yankee or Dixie? 89% Dixie. Did you have any Confederate ancestors? Um, duh. I’m just surprised the issue of ORANGE didn’t come up in that quiz. I’ve actually…
“Casting Directors To Seek Benefits” (LA Times)
Excellent article about the casting director unionization effort in today’s LA Times. Excellent! Nice work, Mary McNamara. Thank you. …each has assembled the talent for films and television shows without receiving the benefits–health insurance, a…
Vanity, Thy Name Is Local TV Newscaster
Why? Why the hairdye, boys? Why the comb-overs? Why the hairdye on the eyebrows? Why the toupees? Why the plugs? Why the wigs? Is it really that hard to do the news as a man…
Yeah, Chip. You got that right! Yeah. That’s some hardcore coolness right there. And it’s cheaper than my SixHundy. Wow. Count me in.
Estrogen Withdrawal?
So, I’ve been off estrogen for a few days now (after 19 years of daily BCP) and my body is all sorts of outta whack! I guess that’s to be expected with any drug leaving…