1. Has anyone tried the flavored toothpastes Crest is making these days? Vanilla? Really? Seems a little weird. Not saying I don’t love my Hello Kitty Bubble Gum flavored toothpaste, but that’s more like a…
Posts Published by bonblogs
Okie dokie! It has begun: the withdrawal. I was asleep by 8:30pm and woke up at 12:30am with swollen joints, achy bones, and wild cravings. Niiiiiice.
I Love My Life
Truly. I’m sitting here, having cleaned the apartment, organized my files, prepped the new book materials that were in 20 different places, charged the SixHundy, played with the kitten-who’s-becoming-a-cat, wrote out another dozen holiday cards,…
Wow… really?
Tornado Warning at Catalina? Yep, if you’re reading this around 10:20pm PST on the 28th, that red blur over the island there is a tornado. Eeeeek! Wild!
Good News/Bad News
Ladies and gentlemen*, it’s time for a round of that legendary game we call Good News/Bad News. Woo hoo! * = Gentlemen may wish to skip this read. It’s girlie. Like a tampon commercial is…
Day Two Gluten-Free
So far, so good. No real headache, no joint aches, and pretty much feeling good. Able to eat some stuff I love and not yet missing the stuff I can’t eat that I can’t have,…
She’s Becoming a Woman
Well, technically, she will never be a WOMAN, she will simply be an adult female cat… but it’s happening. How do you know when your female kitten is becoming an adult cat? As we’d been…
The Hardest Days
And now we enter the hardest days of my year. Cried myself to sleep last night. Woke up at 4am and finally got up at 5:30am to work. Anything to distract, at this point. The…