Where do you begin when you have so so so so much going on that you can’t even begin to STOP and organize thoughts into words (much less organize thoughts into words that accurately represent…
Browsing Category Ramblings
Checkin’ In
Ooh, just so so so so much going on. Truly baffling and mind-spinning. Non-stop. And I love (almost) all of it. Heck, even the stuff I’m not loving, I’m learning from. And THAT I’m loving….
Je Voudrais…
Seriously. All I want is ONE DAY… …in which I have NOTHING to do. I think that would be way cool.
Q: Where is Bonnie? A: See old blog. Ugh. Bleh. Zzzzzzz. That is all.
Further Updates
And here are today’s updates, as of this moment. I have a script to read, offers to fax, feedback to provide [still dragging feet on this one], bills to pay, books to sign [ended up…
Best Things on TV
Best things on TV tonight? That’d be Tina Fey doing the Risky Business spoof on Saddam Hussein in his BVDs and Keegan Michael Key doing “Man Up” stomp on MadTV. God bless TV that doesn’t…
Saturation Point
I’m often overwhelmingly busy. Frequently, those who know me ask how it’s possible that manage to get it all done (the flippant answer is always, “I don’t sleep”) and still maintain sanity (the flippant answer…