So, since the last BonBlast, I got tapped to join Clubhouse. (Amen, I loved you already, but that late-night text Monday forever changed my life in some amazing ways that have taken my love for you to a whole new level. Thank you.)

(If Clubhouse is not on your radar, read this.)


I was working on my PhD in instructional technology before I dropped out to move (back) to Hollywood and live out my showbiz dreams. Let me tell you, THIS APP IS STICKY.

That means… it’s addictive.

And especially during quarantine times, when so many people did NOT travel for the holidays (THANK YOU), there were lots of hours to fill… with the goal of feeling connected. Clubhouse takes care of that need in miraculous ways.

The Clubhouse app been in beta since April 2020 when it first rolled out to some recognizable names and in November they started broadening the invitation reach.

It’s iPhone only and it’s a drop-in audio experience with no recordings, so there’s a vibe of live podcast + call-in talk radio + improvisation and it’s soooooo very cool when you land in a room that is SO your vibe. ❤

I’ve been spending a TON of time there and I now have three speaking gigs this week thanks to it (one of them paid, the other two, “free advertising” in markets I haven’t been able to reach with my own ads).

In case you are experimenting with Clubhouse (or any social media platform, of course), I want to remind you about my mantra: CREATOR, NOT CONSUMER.

(I’ve shared my top 5 tips for what that mantra looks like, here.)

But at Clubhouse, where you’re not curating a feed of face-tuned or filtered images, or posting “Hey guys” YouTube vids, or flexing your pithy humor in a tweet-length micro-convo, how does the “creator, not consumer” mantra work?

You show up — in any room, in any club, in any convo — with the mantra in mind.

“I’m in the audience. As a creator. I’m here to get my well replenished. To have ideas spark for me off the convos I hear others having. To let the ‘yes, and…’ part of my brain play. My notebook is with me. I am ready for my muse to kick in.”

“I’m on the stage. As a creator. I’m here to ask my questions from a position of brand alignment and embodied enoughness. There are buyers in this space and my words have weight. I am running an ad for ‘the me experience’ every time I speak.”

“I’m a host. As a creator. Even as I introduce others to share their expertise, I am lighting them up from the position of a creator. We, in this shared experience, are creating art, inspiration, information, value, guidance, community, ALL OF THE ABOVE together.”

When your setpoint is one of enoughness, “How may I serve?” and #CreatingTheHollywoodWeWant, you not only accomplish moving ALL of that forward, you also reap the benefits that we USUALLY associate with “hustle culture.”

~ bragging about a booking
~ doing a mini-audition or laying out a resume
~ DMing a photo or demo reel
~ straight-up asking for an audition or opportunity
~ buying ads or buying followers or whatever else like that

And in case you’d like to know the results of less-than-a-week of Clubhouse membership on my business (and I go in EVERY time with the mantras, “Creator, not consumer,” “How may I serve?” “You are enough,” “What can I learn?” and “Creating the Hollywood we want”) here goes:

~ at least $6000 additional dollars on our year-end enrollment for our 100-day challenge (and that was after only 2 days on the app, maybe 10 total hours of advice-giving logged; I’ll take that hourly rate)
~ more than 800 new Instagram followers (take that, algorithm!)
~ I haven’t even counted the shifts in numbers at Twitter, Facebook, or even our mailing list (hai, new BonBlasters!!), but I know there’s been an uptick
~ Self-Management for Actors has been steady in the top ten across multiple categories at Amazon since last Monday night
~ sooooooo many rich, enriching, healing, next-tier relationships and connections with people I may never have met so effortlessly in another time or across countless other platforms

Um, hi.

2021 is off to a great start.

I try to put my Clubhouse *scheduled* talks on my events calendar. But so much of what is brilliant about the app is its improv-like setpoint. Its live-theatre-like impermanence.

If you’re on Clubhouse, join me at 6pm PST for a panel discussion about the state of the entertainment industry in 2021. Details are here.

If you’re not on Clubhouse, reserve your username at this link and hold tight. They did a townhall on Sunday detailing how fast they’re growing and it’s coming for ya. Hang in there. When you have your username reserved, your info can show up when one of your friends joins and they can relay you one of their invitations from there!

If you’re not an iPhone user, either be patient for the beyond-beta launch of the app or… consider buying a used iDevice that you don’t even use as your main phone (as long as it can run iOS 13+ and hold a wi-fi signal, you’re good for using Clubhouse after that initial text-invitation starting point) if you love live podcasts, find talk radio appealing, or just have a ton of AIR in your chart (like I do) and think you could benefit from being a part of these convos.

Note: This is NOT me telling you you HAVE to do another damn social media anything. Ever. Y’all know I even did an IGTV about that damn myth. And then posted that vid to YouTube.

You don’t have to be anywhere you don’t want to be. DATA will always back that up. Someone is being cast right now… who has no social media presence whatsoever. Someone’s small business is thriving right now… without taking out Facebook ads. Don’t let stoppers cause you to make business decisions that don’t align with your true north vision for yourself.

Yes, I know. I put like ten thousand links in this BonBlast. 😉 You know I love to give y’all lots of resources ’til the next time I’m in your inbox.

Just thank me when you hold up something gold and shiny and we’ll call it even.

Let’s show 2021 what this revolution looks and feels like, y’all!

All my enoughness-filled love,

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

Enoughness is an inside job… and sometimes you need a guide to find your way there. Let Bonnie Gillespie get you started.

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1 Comment

  1. Bonnie Gillespie January 24, 2021 at 2:36 pm

    News from, y’all:

    Investing in creators! 👨🏽‍🎤 Creators are the lifeblood of Clubhouse, and we want to make sure that all of the amazing people who host conversations for others are getting recognized for their contributions. Over the next few months, we plan to launch our first tests to allow creators to get paid directly — through features like tipping, tickets, or subscriptions. We will also be using a portion of the new funding round to roll out a Creator Grant Program to support emerging Clubhouse creators.


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